Page 15 of I Love My Mistake

Chapter Nine

The Night Amber’s Life Changed

“Ican’t believe how busy this place is…” I say, looking around The Crosby Bar in Soho. You can barely see the stripes of the long booth for all the asses that fill it. Every chair opposite is filled and I can see through the window next to the bar, that the patio is packed, too. And not only at the tables, it’s standing-room-only out there with people milling about, enjoying drinks and conversation.

“Nico. You’re dodging the question,” Amber says, unconsciously flicking her hair over her shoulder, smiling. “Don’t think you can pull a ‘Jess.’”

Jessica looks offended. “Hey! Why do you call it a ‘Jess’?”

Amber tells her, as if it’s the most obvious answer in the world, “Because you love to tease.”

I jump in, too. “Oh please, Jessica. You love and I mean looooooove to lay out bait for us to eat, without giving us the promised meal. It’s part of who you are.”

“She speaks the truth.” Amber shoots her a look that says that arguing would be a stupid move.

Jess looks from Amber to me and says, “Meh. You guys have me all wrong.”

I roll my eyes. “You keep telling yourself that.”

Amber waves a hand of impatience. “Back to you Nico. News at ten; are you sleeping with your loft-mate?”

Jess may be good at teasing, but I’m better at evading. “Why do you ask?”

Amber opens her mouth. “Because…” is the only world she gets out. Something over my shoulder takes her breath away. I heard it – a little gasp escaping from her lips. Jess, because she’s standing next to Amber, follows her gaze with raised eyebrows, but I have to turn to look. When I do, I see a handsome guy with dark brown hair that falls over his forehead, and green eyes intently locked on my girl Amber. All three of us stare at him as he stops and asks only her, “Who are you?” …as if Jess and I do not exist.

“I’m Amber,” she says, breathlessly. The way these two are looking at each other, sparks flying, chemistry palpable, I feel like I’m intruding… but I can’t help but watch whatever the hell this is.

He says, “No, you’re the color of the ocean. Blue and gold and breathtaking.” I shoot a look to Jessica but her eyes have gone misty. The dude holds his hand out, introduces himself to Amber as Josh and asks if he can talk to her a second.

“Umm… sure,” she answers, shoots us both a look that says, remember when I said my guy would say that??!! Jess smacks me, and I realize now that my mouth has fallen open. I shut it fast. The Josh guy nods to us, then leads her away to a corner of the room as we watch, shocked as hell.

I grab onto Jess’s arm. “What just happened?” Jess asks.

“I think Amber just met her soul mate,” I answer.

“Shut the front door. Did that really just happen?” Jessica asks, turning to look at me. I’ve still got her arm like we’re about to do a square dance or something.

I suck on my teeth for a thoughtful moment. “I think so, honey. You know me… I have a sixth sense about these things.”

“You do… that’s true.” Jess says, looking off in the direction they went.

“Plus he said that thing.”

“He did! I want that.”

I turn to the bar and say, “I’m empty. You want another?”

Jessica looks to her Chopin vodka, rocks, and lime – still half full – and raises it to her lips to finish it off. She makes an ahh noise, and raises her eyebrows. “Yeah.”

I laugh and motion to the male bartender – mid-thirties, hip tattoos, no smile, his black sleeves rolled up for work – and he throws me a busy nod.

“David’s not it then, huh?”

Jess frowns and focuses on an invisible something on the tile floor. “Maybe? I don’t know. We’re really happy. I’m just not sure. I think I’ll know when I know, right?”

“That’s what they say. I wouldn’t know.” I adjust my weight to accommodate the ache these heels are giving me. I shouldn’t have worn new shoes tonight. But I needed a pick-me-up, and they went the best with the 70’s style black jumpsuit I’m working. Lot of good they did me, these heels. Now I just feel tired and overdressed. Which is crazy, because overdressed in Manhattan? Please. But tired, I understand. It’s the way I feel most days, lately. What’s wrong with me?

“Well, if they’re right, then I don’t know.”