“Oh,” I say, exhaling, “You wanted to know if I’m busy now,”
“Yeah. Are you?”
Looking around the cozy set up I’ve got going on here, I hesitate. I shouldn’t say I’m busy. “You want to see my work now?” I ask again. A real buyer. This is big for me.
“If it’s not a bad time,” he answers, but then pauses. “It’s no big deal. We could do it another time. It’s just I’m free, because it’s Saturday and… but, really. Let’s do it another time. I’m just really interested in seeing your work.”
My heart jumps. He’s interested in seeing my work. He’s not faking it. He’s a real buyer! I sit up fast, causing a loud rush of water to fill the holes my body vacated. I cough loudly to cover the sound. “Excuse me. Allergies.” Kneeling in the tub, I say quickly, “Now would be great. I’m not there – I’m at home. But how about we meet there in… a half hour?”
He lets out a laugh of relief. Is he nervous? “Let’s make it an hour so you don’t have to rush. Sound good?”
I want to yell, are you kidding??!!! Sounds great!! “Sounds perfect. I’ll text you the address. There’s no name on the door. It looks like a back door to a restaurant or something, but it’s really the entrance to the studio space upstairs. I’ll meet you in an hour.”
He says, “Great!” and we hang up. Lady Lorraine’s voice drifts back from the ethers of my playlist and beckons me to lie back down, don’t get out of the tub just yet. For a moment I consider refusing her invite, consider standing up and drying off. But the water is still hot and he gave me more than enough time to meet him. What’s my hurry? I slink back into the twinkle-lit suds, bury my hand in my pussy and finish what I started, teasing and coaxing my body until it gives way to a delicious release of heat. Closing my eyes I feel the flashing sweet pulsing as tingles shoot outward down my thighs and up to my nipples, twisting them into firm points. I cup myself, squeeze my legs together and press lightly into the sweet contractions, smiling to myself that my Saturday sure has taken a turn for the better. A buyer. A real buyer. Well well well.