Chapter Fifty-Seven
Outside JF Gallery
The six of us walk up and I freeze. I can’t believe what I’m seeing. The gallery that was empty just an hour ago, is now crammed with people I don’t recognize.
“Oh my God. I can’t go in there,” I whisper, grabbing onto Mark’s arm.
We’re all staring and Jess cries out, “Wow. That’s a fuck-load of people!”
Amber grumbles, “Jess, you’re not helping,” before she faces me. Both she and Josh try to tell me it’s great and what a great turnout, don’t be nervous, blah blah blah. None of it is landing. I can’t move my feet. Unless it’s in the other direction. That I could do.
Mark touches my cheek. “Hey hey hey. Look at me.”
I swallow at the lump in my throat, but it won’t budge. “I can’t do this.”
He smiles. “Where’s that Mema fire? Remember who you are.”
Memories of all the times I stood up for myself with her flame burning hot in my blood, flood me. All this time I was worried I took after my father, but my fire comes from her. Mark helped me see that.
I am a woman who doesn’t back down, that’s who I really am.
My friends silently watch us. With my eyes locked on my boyfriend’s, I smile. “Okay. Let’s do this.”
A proud grin spreads on his beautiful lips. He leans down to kiss me, whispering, “Let’s do it.” He takes my hand and we face my friends.
“Okay. I’m ready.”
This is the moment my girlfriends realize – for real – that I’ve found my man.
We turn together as a group. Josh opens the door and holds it for all of us. As we go in, he gives a tiny approving nod to Mark that I don’t see. It’s just between them. I also don’t see the respectful glance Mark returns to him, or the smile Chris throws his way.
I’ve got other things on my mind. My chin is up, my back is straight and I’m walking in to meet the people.
Here we go.