He flashes me a shy, nervous smile. “She emailed me. Apologized. Said maybe you cared about me a little bit. Might want to see me again?”
I rush toward him. He opens his arms and lifts me up in an embrace I never want to leave, kissing my shoulder as he rocks me. My voice catches as I try to talk. “I can’t believe it.” That’s all I can get out. He sets me down and, grinning from ear to ear, I step into the apartment and motion eagerly for him to come in.
Jessica walks forward and takes a low bow. “My work here is done.”
She passes me to leave, but I grab her in a hug from behind, a standing spoon position. She laughs. “Okay, okay! Buy me dinner first!” I spin her around, grab her face and kiss her on the mouth as she giggles and shoves me off. We have a silent, private conversation about how we never want to hurt each other again.
She had a moment of human weakness. So did I with Michael. But nobody needs their mistakes held over their heads after they’ve righted the wrong.
Jess is so relieved. “I love you, Nicole.”
“I beyond love you.”
As she passes, she nods to Mark, and he lays his hand on her shoulder, wordlessly saying thank you. She gives it a friendly I’m not going to kill you anymore pat, and walks out the door. But just as it’s about to close, she pokes her head back in. “And just so you know… I found my guy, too. So there.” She sticks her tongue out. She gives us both her biggest grin, winks, and vanishes. Walking to the door, I slowly turn the deadbolt until it clicks.
“I thought she’d never leave.”