Page 48 of I Love My Mistake

“I wasn’t thinking anything. So, what are you doing in New York? Vacation?” I sound light and airy. Good.

“I’m here to meet some potential investors about an app idea I have. And as to why I’m here…” He points to where he’s sitting. “I had hoped I’d be on a date tonight, and she lives in the area, but she met someone before I came to town so…here I am alone. And no, there’s no girlfriend back home.”


“Yeah.” He smiles. “Don’t look so sad for me.”

“I wasn’t sad for you. I was wondering how someone could stand you up.”

“You and Amber really are friends.”

“Did she say the same thing?”

“With less aplomb.”

I laugh, and sip my wine. “So, are you pining after your almost-date?”

He looks away, both hands on his glass as he stares at it. “I barely knew her, but I feel like if I’d lived here and not so far away, things would have turned out differently.” He turns his head to me.

I reach out and touch his hand. “You know what? My momma always told me, things happen for a reason.” The way he looks at me makes my heart skip. I pull my hand away.

He looks at me, taking in what I said. “I think that’s very wise.”

I smile. I want to look away, but the pull to him is so strong that I feel like I can’t. His eyes are caramel brown, his hair light; the color of sand when its wet. His skin has a light tan to it and his neck is very strong above broad shoulders. But it’s the open expression he seems at home in, that is the most attractive thing about him.


“Yes, Mark.”

“Do you have anywhere you have to be tonight?”

A chill goes through me and my wall rises up, fast. I turn away, cross my legs, assuming all sorts of things as I say, “Uh uh. I just met you. There is no way I’m going home with you to help you get over some girl, so just get it out of your head.”

Shocked, he reaches out and touches my arm. “No, no, no! God! Nothing like that! Seriously, look at me, please.”

I look down at his hand on my arm. He removes it quickly as I suspiciously side-eyeball him.

“Sorry. Look. Look at my face. I’m not interested in any more one-night stands. Even if you threw yourself at me, I’d say no. I’m not going down that road again.”

The image this springs to mind is of Michael turning me down when I threw myself at him.

“Whoa. What was that face?”

I cover my face with my hands. “You saw that?”

“Miami saw that.”

I laugh, peek at him through fingers and bring my hands back down. “Let’s just say you’re not the only one who’s been burned.”

He leans back, like he’s touched something hot. “Recent breakup?”

“No. Just a distant memory coming back to haunt me.” If distant means months… but he doesn’t need to know everything. “Let’s change the subject. No more broken-heart talk.”

“Agreed. But my heart’s not broken. It just got slapped around a bit.”

I nod. “Sometimes hope is the hardest thing to let go of.”

“You and Amber are best friends. Yes, it is. Because it’s in our heads,” he adds thoughtfully, staring at the bottles on the back wall.