Page 51 of Tangling Hearts

Chapter Thirty-Four


Two Torturous Hours Later. New Sutures: slammed into my chest. Me: drugged and staggering.

As we pull up to my place Christiano asks me, “Can I walk from here to Annie’s bar?”

I nod, drugged to the extreme. They didn’t keep me overnight. It was just the outside I ripped open, and the doctor who sewed me up did it without putting me completely under. The dull, numbed pain felt almost good as he stitched, because it made me stay out of my head. This guy Christiano stuck by me even though I told him to go. I guess where he’s from they don’t understand what Leave me the fuck alone. I’m fine means.

“Yeah. It’s not far.” He comes over to help me, but I shake my head. “I’ve got it. Thanks for your help.” Despite my objections he follows me upstairs and more than once has to catch me from falling. When we get to the door, he struggles with the keys and I’m no help. I tell him the wrong one and insist that it’s right. He keeps trying it until Mark opens the door, confused. He takes one look at me and comes forward, eyes darting to Christiano as he grabs my sagging body.

“What’s going on?” Mark says, helping me in.

“I’ve got it!” I tell him, loudly. “Fuck, why won’t everyone leave me alone?!”

“Okay B-man. You’re looking like a zombie. Shut it.”

I grumble as Mark holds me up by both of my shoulders. Christiano stays at the door and explains, “He fell and broke his stitches. He will sleep for two days under what they gave him.”

“You took him to the hospital?”

“Sí. His lung is fine.”

Mark nods. “Thanks. What’s your name?”

“Christiano. I’m a friend.”

“He’s Annie’s boyfriend,” I mumble. Christiano tosses my keys to Mark without explaining more. He leaves as Mark guides me to my bedroom.

“She has a boyfriend?”

“Yeah… and guess… what?”


“He’s a… good guy.”

Sweet darkness comes before I even hit the bed.