Page 21 of Tangling Hearts

Chapter Thirteen


They discuss financials with me staying put, like I’m listening. But I don’t hear a word they’re saying. Inside, I’m kicking myself for my fucking ego. Here I was dealing with Rebecca, and telling Annie I don’t have girlfriends. Never did it occur to me that she was probably seeing someone else, too. What an idiot I am! The more I think of that shirtless picture, the more I want to tell Mr. Donovan to take a hike.

“How long do you think this will take?” Annie asks, walking him to the door, finally.

“At least a month,” he answers. “It was nice meeting you.”

With my stomach churning with jealousy and irritation, I call over, “You too. Oh, Hey. What about having the security gate built first? That way the bar can be open while you finish the remodeling. You know, if the gate’s up, there’s a way to lock up. Would that work?”

Annie, looking hopeful, turns to hear if it’s possible. Mr. Donovan considers it. “We could do that. That’s a good idea.” He looks at Annie. “I could have the gate built in four days at the most, and you’d be back in business.”

Annie claps her hands once and hops into the air. “Are you serious?!”

He grins his first real smile, her enthusiasm infectious. “Could be open again by Sunday. I’ll get my guys on it. You should know though, working on weekends is time and a half.”

“Good to know. Thank you. You can work through this weekend, but after that, weekdays only, please. Oh my God! This is so great! You guys will rebuild during the days, and we’ll open the bar at night. Perfect timing!”

“Oh, and you wanted a number for a surveillance guy?” They both pull out their phones. As she inputs the information, I’m staring at her face. I don’t want her dating that Christiano guy. What the fuck kind of name is that, anyway? And this guy was no child. That chest had hair on it, and that smile he had for her… FUCK!

I look away, scratching the stubble on my jaw, thinking about what to do.

“Have a good day now.”

I turn around and nod to Mr. Donovan. “You too.”

He leaves and Annie walks over to me, floating on air. “What a genius idea! Thank you! I can’t believe we get to open by Sunday!!!”

I smile, still squirming. “It’s great.”

Her blue eyes flicker as she tilts her head. “You okay?”

Glancing to the ground and then over to a wall, I nod slightly, not able to look at her. Who am I to make a claim on her? After all the egotistical things I’ve been saying – I don’t have girlfriends –I’ve got no leg to stand on. What an asshole I am.

“I just need some coffee.”

“You wanna go to Philz?”

Shoving my hands in my pockets, I turn my head and look at her. Her eyes have a cloud hovering in them, and I did that. Here she is, getting good news about her bar, and I’m bringing her down. I walk to her, and kiss her on the nose. “Sorry. It’s just weird seeing everything.”

“Oh, right. Here I am so excited ---”

“---No! You should be excited. It’s just the coffee. I need some air and some java. That’s it.”

She smiles. The phone rings again and the devil is laughing in a cave somewhere, because it’s him; the shirtless man.

Without thinking, she lifts it up to look. We both stare at it. She looks up. “Um…”

I blurt out, louder than I want to, “Who is that guy?”

Annie blinks a few times and looks down at his picture. She sighs. “It’s my ex. He’s been trying to get a hold of me and I haven’t called him back yet.”

Relief relaxes my shoulders and I say on a deep exhale, “Your ex! Oh, thank God.”

Her ginger eyebrows rise and she cocks her head a little. “What?”

I take the phone from her, and turn off the ringing. “I thought it was someone you’re seeing now, as in still. An ex I can handle.”