Page 3 of Capturing Hearts

Chapter Two


Knockout: closed and locked. Bobby: raising an eyebrow at my refusal for another drink. Tommy: same.

“Nah, I’m done. You go ahead, Tommy.” I lay my empty glass on the bar, my head just cloudy enough to feel better, and my heart is numb no matter what I do. Drink, don’t drink. Work, don’t work. Sleep, stay awake staring at a clock. All of it is the same.

He takes a swig of a newly poured draft and gets back to talking with Bobby about The Walking Dead. I barely hear their debate about which season is the best as my hand reflexively goes to the folded up construction plans that Annie left in my bedroom. I picked it up before I came here tonight, thinking I might bring them to her, but I’ve chickened out for the past two hours. The paper feels smooth against my fingers, somehow comforting wedged here in the back pocket of my jeans.

I’ve gotten one text from her asking, Can we talk? It was the day after Christiano took me to the hospital. I didn’t respond, but I’d wanted to. What was I going to say? I see you and your boyfriend are back together–that was fast? Not my style.So I dug my fingers into my palm and shoved the phone out of my sight after deleting her text so it didn’t haunt me every time I looked. But I still looked anyway, expecting another one. It never came, once again proving her to be the exception to other women I’ve known.

“Every time a zombie kills off one of the main cast members, I blame Game of Thrones,” Bobby yells.

Tommy’s into the argument and animated. “Game of Thrones changed a game that needed changing. Hollywood was too precious with its story lines. Shit, that’s why foreign movies are so much better. You never know what’s gonna happen!” He rattles off on his fingers, “You don’t know who’s going to die. There’s real honest to God sex that’s raw and gritty. There’s unpredictable story lines. Remember Le Femme Nikita?”

I’m watching them, feeling antsier and antsier. Bobby tosses a dirty bar towel from one fist to the other. “The T.V. show?”

“No, the French film. Luc Besson? He directed The Professional. The Fifth Element. Something else, too.”

Bobby whistles, “Oh, The Professional was incredible.”

“Did you see his Le Femme Nikita? The same guy in The Professional is in that, too.” Tommy’s hand is in the air with his elbow on the counter as he leans forward to convince.

Bobby shakes his head, mashing his lips together. “Nah. Didn’t see it.”

Tommy stares at him like he can’t believe what he’s hearing. “Well, then I can’t use that as an example, because you have to see it and I don’t want to ruin it.” He sits back.

There’s a hole in my chest bigger than the bullet left, and the more I hear these two talking the more I want to find a gun and make it even bigger. I look from one to the other and mutter, “Fuck, I can’t do this anymore. I have to try. Tommy, come with me to drop this off for Annie.” I pull out the plans and lay them on the counter.

Tommy freezes, surprised. He looks at them, then at me. “What? Why?”

I pat them, determination settling in. I have to see her. I can’t stand knowing she’s right up the street and I’m not looking at her. I can’t fucking stand it anymore. I don’t care if Christiano is there with her.

“She left these at my place. It’s for the rebuilding of her patio. I need to bring them to her. That’s all.”

I glance to Bobby as he says, “I think they’re done building that. I saw it earlier today on my way here. Looks pretty good.”

I stand up, done arguing. “Well, maybe she’ll want them as a souvenir. Tommy, you comin’ or not?”

Tommy picks up his glass, stares into it for a few seconds. I’m sure he thinks I’m making a pussy-move, but I don’t give a fuck. I want to see her and I want to see her now.

“What do you need me there for?” he asks, not meeting my eyes.

“Support. She’s got a boyfriend. He’s probably there. Look, I’ll admit it. I just want to see her. I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet. So come on. If he’s there and I walk in alone, I’ll look like an idiot.”

“Go get her, B-man,” Bobby says, a proud look on his face. “Drinks on me.”

I put my credit card away. “Thanks, Bobby. But I’m not going to get her. I’m just giving her these, that’s all.” I grab up the plans and fold them again, holding them in my hand for strength. I need every bit of it.

“Yeah, sure. Okay,” Bobby smiles.