“You have my word, sir.” They shake hands and Father holds on a moment longer.
“You give Hitler hell, ya hear me?”
Jerald’s eyes gleam with understanding and respect. “Yes sir. That’s the plan, sir.” They let go and he dips his chin to Mother. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Kearns.”
“Pleasure to meet you too, Jerald.” She looks at me as I start to walk by, and I pause, give her a big hug. “I won’t be late.”
“I know you won’t.”Surprised, my eyes widen, and she clarifies, “I trust him more than I trust you and he said he would have you back on time.”
I gasp with a smile underneath.
She wags her finger, smiling too.
I give Father a quick hug, “Thank you!”
Jerald nods to them both, dons his hat, and off we go.
May’s awful silent as we drive away, the top up again.
I’m trying not to laugh at her lie, and if she’d just look over she’d know. But her hands are balled in her lap, half hidden by polkadots. She’s worrying her lips to a hot pink. I don’t mind that at all.
“Say, you put on a necklace. I like it.”
“You must think I’m a liar all the time! I’m not, cross my heart, but they wouldn’t have let me go had I told the truth!” She meets my eyes and sees how much she entertains me. Frowning, she asks, “You’re not sore?”
She closes her eyes. “I wish my folks weren’t so terrifying sometimes!” Looking at me, May asks, “Are your parents like that? Never letting you have any fun?”
“Can’t say that they are.”
“What are they like?”
“Well, let’s see now. Pops is grounded and serious most of the time on account of what’s on his mind, you know, in Washington. And Ma, well, she’s kind as the day is long, and the most effusive person I ever met.”
“Effusive? I don’t know that word.”
Turning toward the malt shop, I pause to concentrate on the road. “Look it up.”
“Just tell me.”
“Find a dictionary,” I smirk, “And look it up.”
She gasps, faces front and pretends to be mad at me. After about a block where I don’t budge she mumbles, “My mother always says the same.”
“Smart lady.”
“Jerald Cocker!”
“Sable…whatever your last name is!” I joke, calling her Sable since that’s who uses whole names when she’s irritated.
May laughs and playfully swats my arm. “Oh alright. When I get home I’ll look it up.” She spreads her arms wide. “I don’t have a dictionary laying around!”
“We could stop by the library.”