I’m staring at Jerald as I answer a dreamy, “That’s right.”

Hank says, “We haven’t been to Ohio yet. I hear there’s a lot of snow.”

“There sure is. I was awfully young when we left, but my memory is very good, isn’t it, May?”


She continues, “You’d remember, too, if you were bundled up like that. Why, for all the months of winter I felt like a walking marshmallow!”

Hank laughs and I look over my shoulder to see her pleased that he finds her charming.

Their conversation continues with just the two of them and I lean in again to whisper to Jerald, “She’s normally very shy, except with me. Even with Lily and Sable, she doesn’t talk much. But they do so much talking, it’s hard to get a word in edgewise.”

He keeps his voice low, too, and it feels like it’s just us in the car. “Hank has that way about him, always has. He can make anybody feel comfortable.”

“What about you? Don’t you make people comfortable?”

“People like to talk. I’d rather not. I like quiet.”

Settling back, I touch my taffeta. “I can be silent, too.”

Jerald glances to me with a gleam in his eye.

We gaze out the windshield as Albany, Georgia slides by. I sneak a peek at him and he does the same to me, making me look away in a hurry. Drumming the armrest with my fingertips, I focus on the tail lights we’re following, wondering if Lily and Peter are getting along as well. She seemed to be flirting with him, despite her claim that she wouldn’t date him if he were the last boy on the Earth.

Gertie and I couldn’t understand it, because he’s got so much going for him — handsome, sharp wit, comes from a good family, nice prospects. When we pressed her, Lily’s temper became short. We dropped the subject entirely, until Gertie and I were alone. We both agree that Lily wasn’t telling us something.

Hank interrupts his own conversation to bellow, “Say Jer, pull over. Let’s drop the top. There’s a moon out!”

Gertie bounces in her seat, “Oh could we? We know where Sable lives. We won’t get lost.”

Jerald turns the wheel, “I wasn’t worried.”

But Marvin’s car is. The horn honks a loud aaahooooga!

Sable sticks her head out as they slow down, too. “Say, what gives?!”

I wave that it’s okay while Jerald and Hank work together to fasten the top down.

She frowns and disappears.

Turning in my seat I laugh to Gertie, “Can you imagine the argument they’re having right now? We don’t have time to waste!”

Gertie plays the role of Lily, “Oh, relax, Sabes! You’ll straighten your hair with that attitude!”

Soon both cars resume the journey, and I throw my hands into the warm night sky, “I hope we never get there!”

Gertie does the same. “This sure is swell, isn’t it, May?”

I cover my hair with my hands, enjoying how it whips through my fingers. “Mmhmm!”

Jerald smiles, “You’ve never ridden in a convertible, I take it?”

“First time! But I can tell you right now, when I have my own car, it’ll be one!”

Gertie cries out, “Me too!” while Hank laughs, happy his idea paid off so well.

I turn to Jerald, running a finger over my forehead to push my hair back so I can see. “Do you mind my asking, what do you do on the submarine? I’m afraid I don’t know much about them.” I hurry to add, “I’m willing to learn, and despite how it may have seemed, I’m quite bright!”