For their benefit I repeat, “You’re saying I have to marry her?”
May silently claps her hands and bounces backward.
Walter exhales.
“Jerald there is no other way around it. I know you fancy the sweet girl, and probably expected a long courtship — to get to know each other, determine if it’s a good match for both of you — but I’m afraid that won’t do at all!”
“Say now,” I begin, raking my hair. “That’s an awful lot to ask of a guy.” May freezes. “She’s alright and all, but marriage? I don’t know…” She hits my arm and I grab her hand. “I just got off the boat. I was thinking I’d settle in. Not rush things.”
Walter shakes his head, grinning.
“You should have thought of that before you took her to a hotel! I know it’s sudden…”
“I’ll say it’s sudden.”
“…but there is no getting around it, Jerald! If you care about her at all, this is the only thing that will save you in the eyes of Fred and Dottie!”
“Listen, can you give me a minute to explain to May that she has to become my wife?”
“Poor thing. I’m sure she never expected this!” To Pops she whispers, “Sweet girl but not worldly in the slightest!”
“Yes,” he agrees like it’s a shame I’ve sullied May’s innocence without her knowing what a fiend I am.
“Say, May, I hate to break it to you, but my folks and your folks want us to get married.”
“What?!” she cries out. “But we’re too young!”
“That’s what I said, see, but there’s the matter of our staying here last night.”
“Oh, that.”
“Yes, that.”
“Your reputation and all.”
“Oh no! Is there a scandal?”
“Ma, May wants to know if there’s a scandal?”
“Not yet, but there would be if anyone in town were to find out!”
“Won’t they know when we come back hitched?”
“Which is why we’re all driving to Atlanta today. With your parents there, we will say it was planned all along. Dottie and Fred are on their way now! Your father already telephoned his friend — he knows a judge in Atlanta — who is at this very moment drawing up a license. She turns eighteen on Wednesday, but Fred won’t have waiting another day. He’s afraid you might run!”
Pops yells, “It’s legal to get married at seventeen with parental consent.”
“I was going to tell him that!”
“You told him everything else. Legalities are my department!”
Mid-rebuttal she returns to me. “Yes?”
“If May’s folks are on their way over, shouldn’t you be…?”
“Oh! Yes, how thoughtful of you! Ray, Jerald reminded me we need to pack! I have to decide what to wear to my son’s wedding.”