“Jerald, it’s your mother!”

“Hey Ma,” I mutter, rubbing my face. “You won, huh?”

“Won? Oh…you heard us arguing.”

“Couldn’t miss it.”

“She didn’t win anything!”

“Quiet, Raymond, it’s my turn!”

“I conceded!”

“Yes, your father gave me the phone because it was my idea what we need to do next!”

I cover the mouthpiece, “They have a solution.”

“Oh no!” May moans, closing her eyes. “I don’t want to hear it.”

“Listen Ma…”

“Jerald, I cannot believe you pulled a scheme like this. I would expect this of your brother, but never you! Have you any idea what an uproar you’ve caused? I just got off the phone with Dot. We called her and she is in complete agreement. But I must say, she’s beside herself and feels the two of you should be ashamed of yourselves!”

As Ma berates me, I cover the mouthpiece again. “It’s not just them. They’ve got your parents in on it, too.”

May spins around, “Oh no!” stamping her feet once and throwing her arms over her head to hide.

“Here we were, happily awaiting your return home, and now it’s ruined!”

“Come now, Frances, it’s not ruined!”

“It is ruined, Ray, don’t tell me how to feel!”


“This does not take away from our happiness that Jerald has returned!”

“Raymond, don’t be silly! Of course it doesn’t take away from our gratitude in his well being, that’s not my point!”


“Then don’t say it if you don’t mean it!”

“But I do mean it!”


“What, Jerald, why are you yelling?!!”

I take a deep breath. “What is your solution?”

“Oh that! There is only one thing that can be done in a situation like this. You must marry the girl!”

I blink, and lock eyes with May.

She steps closer, mouthing, What?

Walter is holding the desk with both hands, his jaw tight.