Jerald’s mouth is instantly on mine, his kiss driven by the desperation of a boy who thought he might not make it out of that war alive.
I return my sailor’s kisses with equal passion. His tongue touches mine lightly, or it digs like he can’t get close enough to me, and we keep switching, basking in how good it feels to kiss the person we missed so.
He buries his face in my neck. “May, I can’t believe how good you feel.” I kiss under his ear and all the way down his neck as he lifts his chin to let me kiss all of it, traveling to the other side and saying breathlessly, “This isn’t like the picnic.”
He lays me down with him on top, and we kiss for a real long while, getting to know each other better. I could do this for my whole lifetime. I feel beads of sweat in my brassiere, and one just dripped from his forehead. “Jerald, I’m sorry, but there’s something very hard in your pocket. I think it’s bruised my leg a little. But I don’t wanna stop, so I hadn’t said anything until now.”
He’s staring at me like he might laugh, but decides against it. “That’s not something I can remove from my pocket. It’s my penis.” Searching my eyes he gently asks, “Do you know what that is?”
“Yes, but I just didn’t know…“
“You didn’t know what?”
Chewing my lips a second, I finally decide to be honest. “I didn’t know they were that big.”
Blonde locks hang over his green eyes, making him all the more gorgeous. He kisses me, and whispers against my lips,“I’m going to teach you.”
Between my legs is aching. I’ve never felt this before.
Jerald takes my hand and guides me to standing with him beside the bed. Taking his time, he unbuttons the front of my lavender dress. It falls in a heap around my Mary Jane heels on the floor, leaving me standing in front of Jerald injust a brassiere, panties, garter belt, stockings, and the pair of shoes I will never throw away after this.
He whistles low and steps back, frowning like it hurts to enjoy the sight of me so much. At first I clasp my hands in front of my panties, but that doesn’t feel right, so I let them drop to my sides. My chest is gently rising and falling in suspense, and I can’t stop biting my lips.
“You scared?”
“We have all the time in the world.”
“I’m not scared.”
“Alright then.” He unbuttons his shirt while I watch. Next is a white undershirt, and soon his bare chest is on display. I want to touch it so badly, but I stay where I am. “My face is up here, May.”
“You stared at me when my dress dropped!”
His eyes darken. “I sure did.” He unfastens his belt, and slides it off, our eyes locked. I swallow hard as he unbuttons his slacks. “I’m not a fan of the word penis, so from now on how about we call it my cock?”
I whisper, “Alright,” waiting for it to appear. He slides his under-shorts down and I gasp, walking forward. “Can I touch it?”
“I wish you would.”
My fingers float out, hesitating, toward the thick rod that extends from a cloud of blonde curly hair. The end of his penis — his cock — is thicker and there are visible veins all over the thing, veins that for some reason I don’t find repulsive. In fact, the entire thing is fascinating, how it’s slightly darker than the rest of him, the top like a mushroom, a tear glimmering on the very tip.
My fingers touch and then caress the silky skin as I whisper “Wow!” I wrap my fingers around it and watch his lips open. “Does that feel good?”
Those beautiful eyes sharpen, and he nods just a little as his hand wraps over mine to move back-and-forth, showing me how much pressure I can apply, and it’s a lot more than I expected.
“That doesn’t hurt?”
“It feels good. You’re doing great.”
“Does…your cock like me?”
Jerald nods, “He likes you very much. Give me your tongue.“