
“Yes sir, Private Jerald Cocker, submarine planesman, at your service.”

His eyes brighten over a warm smile. “Chief Petty Officer Walter Gibbons, USNS Allegiant.”We shake hands enthusiastically, and he widens the door to let us enter, locking it again as he says, “Wounded in World War I, but I sure would’ve liked to have joined you fellas in this one. You put up one heck of a fight.”

“No doubt about that, sir!”

He walks behind the front desk, and she and I are on the other side, “I watched the news about Normandy, thinking, my, that’s something else! And what’s your pretty wife’s name?”

Her answer comes easily, blue eyes shining with pride, “I’m May Cocker, it’s very nice to meet you.”



Walter shows us to our room. Jerald stands by, listening to war stories while I walk around a small, cozy space that gives me all sorts of nervous tingles.

There is only one bed.

“Our battleship was shot at beyond account, but I don’t have to tell you that that didn’t stop us! They retired it. She lasted just long enough to get us home.”

“Our sub was retired too. From what I hear, there are new designs in the works. We steered by wheel, but it seems they’re changing that.”

“Only one constant in life,” Walter sighs, “Change.” They shake hands. “Good meeting you.”

“And you as well, sir.”

He gives me a polite wave, and disappears, door lightly clicking behind him.

Jerald runs confident fingers into his curls, looking at me from the corner of his eyes. He does a quick scan of the room, sliding his hands in his pockets. “I gather you’re nervous.”

A laugh I don’t recognize bubbles out. “What makes you say that?”

“You’re wringing your hands, and bouncing on your heels. I for one am happy to see you alone.”

“Yes…we are awfully alone, aren’t we?”

He kicks the carpet with his heel. “Yes we are. But this isn’t really any different from the picnic, if you think about it.” He looks at me, dazzling green eyes shining with amusement.

I’m silently wishing I had called Lily for advice. I don’t know what to do when I’m alone with a boy. But Lily and Peter have made it. Sable spilled the beans on that.

I should’ve asked for advice!

What was I thinking, leaving the subject private? We girls need to help each other.

There’s a warble in my voice as I ask, “This is like the picnic? How do you figure?”

With his elbow, Jerald Cocker, the man who wrote me one-hundred and twenty-one beautiful letters, points to the bed. “There’s a blanket, isn’t there?”

I laugh, and this time it sounds like my own laughter, not some nervous weirdo.

He strolls over to me, so handsome it takes my breath away. Especially as he drops to one knee. “May, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” I can’t stop smiling, and I can’t speak. He takes my hand, voice huskier, “I liked the way it sounded when you said you were May Cocker. That sounded just fine.”

He swoops me up like I’m standing on air, legs dangling. Felt like I was floating anyhow. Might as well make it official.

He’s staring at my lips, the suspense brutal.

My heart, tummy, and between my legs, all have butterflies. “Are you going to kiss me or aren’t you?”