If I had to choose, I’d take fiery tempers and loving banter, any old day.

Only when it’s our turn to exit, do I let Father’s hand go.

Mrs. Cocker and Mother are happily talking about things that aren’t very important to lighten the air for us all.

Outside we make a circle like the one we made when they first met, only with a different feel.

Mr. Cocker starts to speak, but Jerald beats him to it. “Mr. Kearns, Mrs. Kearns, May, it was good seeing you all again. I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday.”

Putting on his cap, he touches the bill as our eyes meet.

I stare after him, watching him go, my heart sinking.

Mrs. Cocker is speechless.

Father doesn’t know what to think, his frown of a different sort than before.

Mother keeps opening and closing her mouth like she wants to say something but cannot find the words.

Mr. Cocker‘s voice is deeper, somber. “Good day to you.” He puts on his fedora, and walks away.

“Frances, I apologize!”

“One’s honest emotions are nothing to apologize for,” Mrs. Cocker says, touching Father’s arm with compassion.

Our family watches theirs from atop the church steps. My throat has grown sharp edges, and yet I can’t look away.

In a hushed voice, Mother says, “Fred!”

He keeps his volume low, too. “The boy needs time to cool off!”

“But Fred!”

“Dottie, now don’t look at me like that.” He motions toward the pickup, and as we walk to it he grumbles, “If he truly loves her, he’ll wait!”



I face the wall, phone pressed against my ear. “Gertie, he still hasn’t called.”

“I can’t believe it!”

“Mother spoke with Mrs. Cocker an hour ago but when I tried to listen in, she wouldn’t let me.”

“What could they have been talking about?”

“I asked and of course it was as I’d expected. She was trying to smooth things over.”


“Their friendship is intact, but there was no news about Jerald! She said he was in his room all day, and didn’t say anything about me at dinner.”

“May, no!”

“You should’ve seen his face when he stormed out of church. Like he wasn’t respected, or he didn’t care about me! I still can’t figure out which!”

“Gee, I wish I could call over there for you, but that wouldn’t be the thing, would it?”