Jerald stands and we slide out.

Lily jumps up from her side. “I’ll go too!”

We three wind our way through the crowd, officially greeting familiar faces with brief conversation. In the girl’s room we go where we’d intended all along — the mirror, where we fluff our hair and get to the nitty gritty.

“You like Hank, don’t you?” I ask Gertie since I’ve not had a chance to talk with her alone since we met them last night.

She shows us a smile I don’t recognize, one just for him. “He’s awful nice. And witty. And cute. And...oh, I’m a goner!”

Lily smirks, pulling lipstick from her handbag. She’s the only one among us who wears any. “He seems to think an awful lot about you, too, Gert.”

“You really think so?”

“Anyone with eyes can see.” Lily offers me the lipstick. “Would you like to try some? It’d be nice with your complexion.”

“My Mother would flip her wig, but thanks all the same.”

“How about you, Gert?”

“Nah, I’m afraid it’ll wipe off and I’ll look silly and never know it!”

Lily slides the stick away, clasping the handbag shut. “There is always that possibility if you’re not practiced. I swear I have to remind myself all the time, since I bite my lips constantly!”

“I have that habit, too,” I sigh. “Can’t seem to break it.”

She smirks, and wiggles her finger in front of my mouth.“Don’t think Jerald seems to mind, the ways he’s always looking right here!”

With a private grin I stare at the floor, remembering his face. “He does do that.”

Gertie agrees, “The way Jerald looks at you, May!”

“Makes Peter and Hank feel like boys, doesn’t it?” Lily laughs. “I hope every boy finds something worth fighting for, if that’s what it does to him!”

A toilet flushes and the stall opens. Ethel steps out, chewing gum, curious eyes on me. “Don’t know how you did it.”

“Did what?” I ask.

“You know what!” She waves her hand up and down. “You don’t seem that special to me.”

Fire lights up my belly. “Every one of us is special, Ethel. And maybe you not thinking so is what makes you less!”

I walk out. Gertie follows. Lily, behind her, sticks out her tongue right before the door shuts.



When the girls return, I’m waiting at the end of the booth. “I hate to say it, but I have to take you home.”

May frowns at the wall-clock, disappointed. “Already?”

“We have eleven minutes. I’m not sure if that’s enough, and I made a promise.”

“Oh alright,” she smiles. “So long, everyone!”

“So long, May!” They wave as Gertie and Lily sit back down.

I take her hand to lead the way, and May waves to kids she knows. Place must be the most popular in town on a Saturday night. I’d forgotten all about it, and visiting feels like almost being in a dream. This world is so different from the one I’m returning to. Not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad to be reminded of a world outside of the war. Then have to go dark once more.