“I’d love to. Do you think they’ll drink it before we get a chance?”
This gets a laugh from everyone and Peter says, “That’s an idea! We’ll have a contest. Whoever loses…”
We wait for a prize and it’s Hank who gives one. “Loser has to stand on the seat and sing a song of their choice without telling anyone in the shop they’re going to do it.”
Gertie cries out, “Oh, I can’t do that!”
“You’re not going to lose. You’re with me, see? Who won you that rag-doll?”
One of the girls who graduated from our school comes over, her name tag reminding us she’s Ethel. “You wanna order something?” Her eyes light up at Lily. “Say, don’t I know you?”
“Sure you do. We went to the same high school.”
“That’s it!” A pencil gets stuck behind her ear. “How is Sister Charlotte and the Buzzard Squad, anyhow? Boy, I don’t miss them!”
Lily laughs, “I’m sure we won’t either. Will we girls?” Gertie and I shake our heads.
This turns Ethel’s attention to us, and she spots Jerald for the first time. Her eyes go wide. “Jerald Cocker! I haven’t seen you in ages!” He blinks, not recognizing her. She glances around the table, and asks, “Do you know what you want?”
Peter circles his finger. “Three malt shakes to be shared all around, thanks. And an order of fries? I’m sure someone will eat them.”
Lily smirks, “You mean everyone.”
Before she leaves, Ethel looks at Jerald again, and her eyes flicker curiously to me. I’m staring right at her, so she looks away, fast.
“Who was that?” I ask him.
“No idea,” he shrugs, tipping his fedora with one hand as he throws his arm on the back of the booth, around me.
Hank keeps his voice just for us six. “He means it. Jerald doesn’t know what a legend he is. All the girls cried their eyes out to see him go.”
I look at Jerald as he smirks, “That’s a bunch of malarkey.”
Peter isn’t convinced. “That true, Hank?”
“Cross my heart! I’ll never forget Ma telling one who showed up at our house, Get a hold of yourself!”
Jerald laughs, and I gaze at him. He gives me a wink. As the others listen to Hank tell stories about him, I’m staring at the real thing.
He leans in to whisper, warm breath on my neck, “This wasn’t how I planned tonight to go, but I’m sure happy you’re with me.”
That tingly feeling below my naval is back, and I whisper to him, “I was just thinking the same thing.”
The malts come and everybody is having a gay old time, talking about anything and everything that suits us. We finish ours first, and I claim victory, holding up the glass while the other couples try and catch second place. Lily and Peter win that but only by a nose, and we all soon get the feeling Peter will never let Hank forget it.
“Get up there!”
“I will!”
“The prize was your idea!”
“I know! I know!”
“What’s the hold up?”
“I’m thinking of a song!”
“Want to go to the washroom with me?” Gertie whispers while they debate the merits of speed over savoring, abandoning the topic of a song for now.