I smirk, “Perhaps someday you’ll look it up!”
A beautiful laugh bubbles out as she slides in with the grace of a lady. “I might not, just to make sure you’ll come back.”
My eyebrow cocks. “To give you the definition.”
She winks, “That’s right.”
I shut the door and whistle myself back to the driver’s side, but this time with a bounce in my step.
Oh there are lots of things I’d like to give her, smirks the sailor in me.
The malt shop is filled with high school kids, and Jerald looks surprised. I wonder how long it’s been since he was here. Everyone comes to the local place where we can be ourselves.And it’s open until ten. They realized they make a lot of money in that final hour when every other shop and restaurant has shut down for the night.
“May! Jerald!”
We look over to the far corner booth where Peter, Lily, Hank and Gertie are waving.
Jerald grimaces. “Well I’ll be.”
He leads me through the loud crowd as paper napkins whiz by our heads.
Hank grins, “We got the biggest table so we could save you a spot.”
“Mighty thoughtful. Would’ve been even more so had you told me you planned to crash my date.”
“Oh! Is this a date?” Lily asks with a smile. “We were wondering.”
“Sure you were.”
“Weren’t we, Peter?”
He tips his fedora. “Sure were.”
Gertie smiles at me, and wiggles her fingers.
I scoot in beside her, and Hank jumps up to sit on the back of the booth on her other side. “Don’t be sore, Jer. We overheard you were coming here. Thought since Monday is just around the corner, we might make ourselves available.”
“Available,” Peter laughs. “I’ll say!”
I ask Gertie, “Where’s Sable?”
“She ate too much cotton candy and had a stomach ache. Marvin didn’t want to come if she didn’t.”
Lily throws up a pretty hand.“I miss the sourpuss, imagine that!”
Peter pushes one of her dark curls back. “She’s a good kid.”
Lily has a thought in her eyes as she answers, “Loyal to the end.”
“May, would you mind?” Gertie holds out the bracelet hanging off her wrist. “My clasp keeps coming loose!”
“I’ll get it, Gert,” Hank offers. She twists around and kneels on the seat so he can reach.
Jerald and I look at each other. He shakes his head, a hidden smile making him all the more handsome. “Will you share a malt with me?”