Peter mutters, “Corny!” shaking his head.
The air is light and I’m enjoying it. I’m getting to feel like these are my friends, too, not just Hank’s. Guess the race to escape May’s father last night bonded us without my realizing it might.
Peter has one hand in the pocket of his high-waisted, wide-legged pants, brown and white wingtip shoes poking out the bottom. We’re all wearing pretty much the same thing he is in different colors, sweater vests over our button up shirts, too, with only two of us in ties and it’s not me and my brother. But Hank and Marv both have fedoras, while Peter and I wear different shades of sport caps, or newsboy caps, as some like to call ‘em.
They’re good fellas, not a bad egg in the bunch, and I’m including Darren in that even though I barely met him. You can tell a lot about a person just by shaking hands, most times. Strong handshake or no, looking at them up close gives you a feeling.
An instinct.
And mine feels at home with this bunch, despite my being older.
“Say, there are the girls now!” Peter jogs his chin, and I turn to see who I’ve been thinking about ever since I met her.
May is walking arm in arm with Lily who’s whispering something as they spot us waiting. Gertie waves, and Sable is chewing her lip, hands clasped behind her back as she follows her friends a few steps behind.
May’s three friends are in shirtwaist dresses with thin belts and hemlines bouncing just below their knees, none too flashy but all in fashion. May is cute as a button in polkadots with white sleeves, and I’m standing here like a fool staring at her.
Hank was right, the sun shines brighter when she’s around, and there’s no doubt in my mind that I’d give her the Moon. And all the planets in between while I’m at it.
This doll’s done something funny to me, and I sure am regretting having to leave in just a day and a half. Two if I’m optimistic and count Monday morning.
“Say Lily, what are you whispering about? Why don’t you share it with all of us?”
“Why Peter Tuck, wouldn’t you like to know!”
He grins, “Careful now. You’ve been hanging out with Sable too long, using my whole name and all. Don’t wanna elbow in on her game, do you?”
“I like your name,” Lily smirks, “And besides, I didn’t say the whole thing, now did I? I’ll leave that for her fun.”
Sable throws her hands on her hips. “Lily Marie Marlow! I do not say people’s whole names all the time!”
We all look at her like she’s bats.
She realizes what she just did, and has no idea what to do with herself.
Marvin steps up, “Would you care for some cotton candy, Sable? We can see the sights on the way.”
She hides her gratitude with a haughty, “That sounds mighty fine, thank you. Anything is better than sticking around and being teased for no good reason!”
“Well, all right then,” he grins, and the two walk off with her leading the way.
Hank chuckles, “Marv took that yes to mean she paid him a compliment rather than coined him a consolation prize.”
“He understands her then,” Lily says with a watchful eye on her best friend and the willing captive. “That was Sable’s way of telling him she’s interested in him, too. She doesn’t know any other path but sideways.”
“Speaking of prizes, who wants to play a game?” Peter grins, shoving both hands in his pockets. “Lily, have your eye on any?”
While they discuss it, and Hank says hello to Gertie, asking her if she was at the fair last year, May and I step aside and let the others disappear.
“Hello Jerald,” she smiles, hands clasped. “It sure is good to see you again.” She tries to take it back. “What I mean is…”
“I know what you mean, May, and I’d like to be just as candid. I was up all night thinking about you. Had to open the windows to listen to the real cicadas this time on account of their memory couldn’t crack.” She’s gazing at me like she doesn’t know what to say. “Do you like Ferris wheels?”
A beautiful smile shines. “Oh, I love them! It’s the next best thing to flying, don’t you feel?”
“Guess it is. Would you ride with me?”
Does she know she’s staring at my mouth? If she doesn’t quit it, everyone will know how I feel about that. “I’d love to.”