September 1944

“Thanks just the same, Hank, but I’m not in the mood.” Turning the page of Crime and Punishment, I straighten my left knee on my bed, wide pant leg bunching around the calf, foot bare.

My brother had poked his head into my room but now his whole body is in. “You’re back on duty in a few days! On a submarine! With no women! You mean to say you’d rather read that bloated yawnville over filling the dance cards of dozens of girls who believe you’re a legend!”

A smile tugs at my lips. “Legend?”

He gestures to the window as if khaki-wacky dames were at this very moment swooning on our family’s front lawn. “Jerald, a Congressman’s son protecting our great nation from within the depths of oceans all around the world! Think about it! You can pick any doll you want!”

“Hank, you’re a devilish good salesman.”

He shuts the door to whisper, “We’ve got gin.”

“Sure you have. But I want to stay home and read. You go on now. Have your fun. I’m too old for high school girls.”

I’m back in my book, but as the minutes tick by — minutes, not seconds — it occurs to me that I haven’t heard Hank leave. Glancing over, I see my kid brother staring at the rug Ma brought back from India when she and Pop were newly married. It’s had some wear and tear since then but she won’t hear of getting rid of it, and it’s been mine since I was a boy. This room is kept exactly as I left it when I joined the Navy right after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. It’s a few months shy of three years now.

Hank is staring at the palest section of my rug, kicking it with his wing tip shoe while gnawing his cheek, hands shoved in the pockets of his best pin-striped suit since the dance starts in under an hour.

I set the novel on the warm cotton of my white under-shirt. “Say, what gives? You alright?”

I’m the somber one between the two of us. He’s the joker. But there’s no smile this time. Hank’s voice is different now. “Jer, here’s how I see it. Now hear me out. Pops’ ticker is on the mend. But we had a scare, see? He almost didn’t make it. And I was just thinking, now hear me out…what if this time you don’t come back, Jer? I may not have lost a Father, but what if I lose a…”

I sit up straighter, grabbing the book before it topples. “Look here, if you want me to come tonight because…”

We stare at each other, the unsaid heavy between us. A lot of guys don’t come back from service. Too many of my friends are gone for good, a fact I try to forget. Now it’s looking at me through the eyes of my seventeen-year-old brother.

Jumping off the bed I cross to my closet, muttering, “Well, why didn’t you say so?”

Hank pulls his hands free, taking a step. “Then you’ll come?”

“Sure, why not. I can read when I’m back on the sub, can’t I? Loads of time there.”

“Ah Jer, I knew I could count on you!” Hank disappears into the hall, shouting downstairs, “Hey Ma! He’s changed his mind! He’s joining me after all! We’re gonna need Pops’ car!”

“Fine but no gin!”

“What makes you think we’d have gin?”

I glance toward my door, frowning.

My brother has been hoping for the draft now that he’s a senior and turns eighteen mid-February. Our parents won’t let him enlist until after graduation. For him that’s too long, but I disagree.

He wants to become a pilot for the Navy, since that’s the branch I joined. But he’s not a seaman, prefers air. A ‘sailor with wings’ they call his future position, patrolling the ocean in which I live day in and day out. He’ll keep it safe for subs and battleships, fly back to tell us when he spots the enemy.

The thought is sobering.

To me he’s still a kid and his display just now, didn’t change my opinion. He’s gonna need tougher skin to make it in this war.

Ah damn.

Looks like I gotta wear a suit. Doesn’t feel right not wearing my uniform but Ma took my dress-blues for washing.

Can’t be helped.