“Sure.” Like he had a choice, he thought bleakly. Had Erin known what she was doing, sending the guy over here? He stood, realized he still gripped the screwdriver like a weapon and hastily bent over to set it beside the drill. Then he nodded at Mr. Zatloka. “Be right back.”

The two men walked around the house, down the driveway and across the street. Only then did Ramirez say, “Ms. Parrish gave a good report on you.”

A report. The knowledge that she could screw him over royally with a bad report ate at his stomach like acid. She was his employer and his landlady, damn it. Apparently, he needed the reminder.

He had to say something. “I was lucky when she hired me.”

“If you don’t mind my asking, how did that happen?”

Cole did mind him asking, but Ramirez could grind him under his heel if he felt so inclined. He hadn’t been this aware of how little power he held since he’d walked out of prison.

“I was applying for a job at the hardware store in town. The minute the manager saw I’d been convicted of a crime, he tossed my application. She heard what was said and followed me outside. I guess she hadn’t seen any notices for handymen, and preferred that route to hiring a contractor.”

“Pretty gutsy of her.” Ramirez sounded thoughtful.

Not able to argue, Cole gritted his teeth again.

“She’s been giving you a chance to drive, too, she says.”

“She has. I need a little practice on the freeway, but then I’m ready to take the test.” He hesitated. “I hope having a license will help with job applications.”

“You planning to stick to construction?”

He shrugged. “It’s all I know.”

Ramirez studied him. “According to what I read, you have a knack for small-engine repair and even automobile repair.”

“Both are necessary on a job site, but I’d rather not be stuck on my back under a car all day. There’s more variety in construction.”

“I assume Ms. Parrish will give you a recommendation when you finish everything she needs you to do.”

“I haven’t asked, but I assume so.”

“You plan to stay in this apartment?” The parole officer nodded toward the garage.

“If I can get a job here in town.” The idea of leaving, not being able to see Erin… Not something he wanted to think about. “I promised to do some work on it in lieu of rent, and I’ve barely started.”

“You been in touch with family?”

He hesitated again. “No, beyond letting my sister know I wasn’t coming to her place.” Guilt bit hard. She’d supported him all along. She was the only one who had. “I keep meaning to buy a phone, but I haven’t yet,” he concluded, ashamed.

“Might want to do that. You have any other plans?”

God, he wanted to get this man off his back. Out of his life. Would it help to sound ambitious?

“Once I have a car and I can afford to, I’d like to take some college classes.”

Ramirez’s bushy eyebrows rose. “You have a start already.”

He did have some credits. He’d have had a lot more if Washington state taxpayers hadn’t decided not to fund education for prison inmates. “I want to get a four-year degree eventually.”

“In what field?” The guy leaned a hip against his car. He sounded curious versus demanding.

Cole shoved his hands in his jeans pockets. “Don’t know yet.” That wasn’t quite true, but was he willing to admit to something that might prove to be out of his reach? But Erin had been teaching him not to be quite so closemouthed. Gruffly, he said, “Engineering.”

The eyebrows rose even higher this time. “I seem to remember you having high test scores, particularly in math.”

Despite letting his grades sink his senior year of high school, Cole knew he might still have been able to get academic as well as athletic scholarships if he hadn’t had his head up his ass.

“I’d better get back to work,” he said.

Ramirez nodded and surprised Cole by holding out his hand. “I’ll be calling, and I’ll probably stop by again, but I’ve got to say, I’m really pleased with how you’re doing. You look a hell of a lot better than the first time we met, and you have people in your corner. I don’t usually say this so early on, but I think you’re going to make it, Cole.”