She sniffed. “They couldn’t.”

They managed some casual conversation until they were driving back to his place. Erin’s place, he corrected himself. Damn.

A few blocks away, Dani said, “I talked to Dad last night.”

He groaned. Of course she had to go there.

She turned her head long enough to narrow her eyes at him. “I’m just telling you.”


“I am not!”

“Are, too.”

Her spine straightened as she went into her “I am above your pettiness” mode. “Can we have a little maturity here?”

He gave her a crooked grin. “If you promise not to mention Dad again.”

“Oh, fine.” She pulled into the driveway and braked. “It’s just that—”

He kissed her cheek and opened the door. “Thanks for the visit, Dani.”

She rolled her eyes. “Jerry will come around.”

“Since his wife’s a bulldozer?”

His sister stuck out her tongue. Cole was laughing as he slammed the door.

* * *

THE NEXT MORNING, Cole was putting primer on the ramp railing when he heard someone approaching from behind. He went completely still, making sure he was balanced on his feet to move fast. Even as he prepared to fight, he reminded himself that things were different out here. He straightened and turned fast.

He didn’t know this old guy’s name, but did recognize him. He was a lot bigger than Mr. Zatloka, raw-boned, moving as if every joint hurt.

Tamping down the minispike of adrenaline, Cole nodded. “Came to see the wheelchair ramp?”

The guy said, “I don’t need one of these yet, but I do need a new front porch. Got the same problem Ms. Parrish did.”


“The steps, anyway. She suggested you might be almost done here…”

“I am.” He really hated that she was out drumming up business for him, even if her intentions were good. And yes, every small job helped him build a bigger financial cushion, gave him more experience and the possibility of another reference. All of that didn’t seem to prevent the small slap of humiliation.

“I’m Del Wagner,” the guy said. “You helped me with my garbage can a couple of weeks ago.”

“I remember. Tell you what, while this dries, I’ll come down to take a look.” Turning down an opportunity would be stupid.

Wagner thanked him and plodded back around the corner of the house. Every step seemed to be an effort.

It took Cole another half hour to finish applying the primer. He’d give it two or three hours, then put on the first coat of paint. The balusters were to be white, the top rail black, like some of the trim on the house.

He wiped his hands with a rag, grabbed a tape measure and screwdriver and walked down the block. This house looked to be about the same age as Erin’s, although smaller. The detached garage didn’t have a second story. At first glance, Del Wagner had maintained his home decently, but Cole didn’t have to poke at the steps to see that they did need replacing. A few boards on the porch did, too. He could see where the roof above the porch had leaked, soaking some supports.

Once Mr. Wagner had come out, Cole also checked the back porch and the siding.

He learned that the house had last been painted two years ago. He gave Wagner the bad news about the porches, and agreed that he could do this job next. Like the Zatlokas, Wagner offered fifteen dollars an hour, still cut-rate from what Cole had learned, but more than satisfactory.

He’d resolved to report his income. Nothing under the table for him. Everything he did would be scrutinized in a way most people didn’t have to worry about.

With a notebook page listing the measurements jammed in his pocket, he decided to take his lunch break and walked back to Erin’s. The awkwardness between them since she woke up and discovered he’d spent the night, uninvited, in her bed tempted Cole to eat in his apartment, but he couldn’t bring himself to hurt her feelings if she came out and he wasn’t there. It was a nice day, too; he’d just as soon sit outside with the sun on his face.

The truth was, he didn’t want to miss a minute he could spend with her, either.

* * *

WHEN COLE SAW the slices of pumpkin bread that Erin had brought out on a plate, his eyebrows rose. “Trying to fatten me up?”