They were something out of a magazine, or a freakin’ movie.
They looked almost unreal.
And her hair.
It was long, black, thick, and straight, coming to a stop somewhere right above her hips.
Hips that went on for days.
She gave the perfect example of pear-shaped.
Great breasts, curvy legs and ass.
She was the epitome of pin-up model perfection.
But she looked at me like I was a new and interesting bug that she hadn’t quite figured out yet.
I hesitated in the doorway, staring at her, temporarily forgetting my parents’ warnings. However, just as I had the thought of going back inside, she turned away from me and gave me her back.
Maybe I’d imagined everything…
I didn’t imagine anything.
Not a damn thing.
The first time I talked to her was when she came into Mr. Glee’s class and took the seat right in front of me.
I had to tap her on the shoulder and ask her to move her hair when I went to take the pop quiz that Mr. Glee had handed out the moment that the tardy bell rang.
She’d moved it, but not before saying a husky, “I’m sorry.”
From that moment on, I was hooked.
I was drowning, and it was the sweetest death I’d ever experienced.
Too bad I couldn’t freeze time. Make everyone forget where we both came from.
I can’t prove this, but I swear I used to be smarter, funnier, and less tired.
—Shayne’s secret thoughts
2 years later
“I’m sorry, but what?” I laughed at the joke Quinn made, thinking that I surely hadn’t heard him right.
But no, he repeated the words, and there wasn’t a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
“I think we should break up.”
I tilted my head, unsure what to say to that.
“What are you talking about, Quinn?” I asked, voice slightly hurt.
He looked down at his hands. “I joined the force today.”
My stomach dropped.