Page 51 of Bound To You

"What am I, chopped liver? Where's a hug for your nonno?"

Mila whips her head to find the voice and screams again, causing my mother to giggle.

My father takes Mila in his strong arms, holding her just as tight as she holds onto him, and then, as she lifts her head, she spots Maria and Dimitri, who both have tears in their eyes. I start to get emotional again, and the guilt begins to eat at me.

I blurt, "Geez, all these big, bad mafia men can't control themselves." Everyone laughs.

Mila bursts into tears. I quickly look at her, ready to go get her.

She cries out, "Babushka, Dedushka," holding her arms out for her grandma and grandpa.

My tears fall faster, and my guilt climbs higher, thinking maybe I did not do the right thing by taking her away. Perhaps I should have fought with lawyers here instead. As Dimitri grabs Mila and hugs her tight with Maria, Damian squeezes my waist to get my attention, and I turn to look at him.

"Stop those thoughts, malyshka. As much as it hurts me and our families, you did the right thing by leaving. It pulled my head out of my ass and opened our parents' eyes. This is good. Stop feeling the guilt. If anyone should feel guilty, it's us for what we put you through, and what you had to go through on your own with our daughter. Got it?" he says softly, but not softly enough.

Maria, with Mila in her arms, standing near my mother, butts in, "He's right, sweetheart. We failed you, we should have been straight with you from the beginning, and Damian should have just grown a set of balls. I tell you, darling, he's exactly like his father and your father." All the men shoot a glare her way, shouting, “Hey!” causing her to smirk and my mother and me to giggle. I nod at her, leaning against Damian's shoulder, watching Mila with her grandparents. I move my gaze to the archway and see Sergi and Alexandr pouting. I burst out laughing, making everyone see where my attention is. When they notice, they laugh, too, as the men groan about losing more of Mila's time.

Two hours later, we're saying bye to the parents, and my mother promises to call every day from the rehab facility to speak to Mila, and she hugs me tight.

"I love you, mio angelo," she whispers, making my eyes water at the endearment. It's been years since she’s called me her angel.

"I love you too, Mamma."

She kisses my cheek, and then climbs in the car. I turn to my father and glare. He puts his hands up in surrender, and then hugs me as well.

"I won't hurt her again, sweetheart, I promise. I broke it off with my mistresses. I only want your mamma." I nod and hug him tight.

Maria and Dimitri hug me, too, thanking me for letting them meet Mila, and requesting to see her on the weekend for a few hours. I giggle when the boys complain. Maria shakes her head, kisses my cheek, and gets in the car with her husband, and we wave goodbye.

We get ready to take Mila to daycare an hour later, again much to Alexandr's and Sergi's dismay. Still, Sergi has to work, and Al promised Phoebe a day at the ice rink, for which I request dozens of videos from her or his falls. We have a counseling session before Damian has a torture session with a rat. When he told me he, thought I'd get angry.

Instead, I laughed and shocked him speechless when I said, "If they're going to act like rats, then treat them like one." He looks at me confused, so I say, "Rat poison."

His jaw hangs open, and I smirk. Since then, he has looked at me with a bit more wariness.

thirty two

Damian – Two Weeks Later

I just got home after spending all morning in the basement at the office with one of our drug runners, who decided snorting the coke was better than selling it. He wasted over $100,000 on himself.

Mila is with my mother for the day, which Mama is delighted with. Sofia was a little apprehensive, but after my father and Stefano requested the same legal document I had to sign before I could meet Mila, she relaxed. Sergi and Alexandr, not so much; they even complained about why we let them meet so soon, causing my father to give them each a smack to the back of the head. I chuckle at the memory; they were pouting all day yesterday over it. Seriously, it's like working with children. God knows how Phoebe puts up with Al.

I look at my watch. Shit, I need to get a move on. We have a counseling session today, our last one. We've been doing what Marvin asked; going on dates, family dates, talking, getting to know each other again, speaking in more depth about our feelings, and learning forgiveness in between it all. If I'm honest, my wife is more amazing than she ever was. She's stronger, wittier, has curves to die for, and is an amazing mother to our daughter. I love her more than I ever did. We haven't even been intimate yet, so believe me, I've got the biggest case of blue balls going, and my right hand just doesn't do the job anymore. I haven't even looked at another woman, even though they have tried. Last week we went to the pizzeria for a family date, and a woman I’d unfortunately fucked walked up to me, placing her hand on my chest.

She tried to sound sexy when she stated, "Damian, baby, I missed you. Where have you been?" Her voice came out whiny. Just as I was about to shove her away, my wife came out of nowhere, and I just stood there in shock while my little, angelic wife grabbed the woman's arm, twisted it behind her back, and marched her out the door, all while my sweet, little daughter kicked at the woman’s legs. I have never been harder than when she walked back inside, glaring at me, then getting back in line like nothing happened. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her after that.

I shake out the memories with a smirk.

I cannot wait to fuck her hard and fast, then slow and romantic—if she lets me. But, for now, I'm happy. We are taking things nice and slow, so we can be stronger, even if my dick hurts 24/7.

I run up the stairs, searching for my wife.

"Sofia?" I shout. I go to Mila's room on the third floor because my wife still refuses to share a bed with me. I slip into Mila's room just as my hot as fuck wife comes out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. I stop moving altogether, my cock hardens instantly, and I swallow hard. Her hair is wrapped in a bun thing on her head. Fuck, I need her. She lifts her head when she hears me come in, and I groan out loud. I don't care! I miss her, okay!

I clear my throat. "We've got to leave in fifteen minutes to make our appointment on time." She nods, eyes still wide. I can see her pulse quicken in her neck. Fuck, I'm holding on by a thread, waiting for her to shout at me to get out, but she doesn't. Instead, she does the one thing that makes me lose my control: licks then bites her bottom lip.

I snap. I get to her in three strides, my arm folds around her waist, the other on the nape of her neck, and I lift her, causing her to wrap her legs around my hips as I slam her into the wall. My lips land on hers as I ravish her for the first time in three years, and fuck does she feel good.