Page 31 of Bound To You

I clear my throat. "This isn't about the paperwork," I say, expecting her to get pissed. "Your mother has been told about your whereabouts and about Mila. One of the guards informed her, and she's on her way here." It goes quiet again, and I have to look at the phone to see if she hung up.

She speaks, "Let me guess, he wanted to see if she'll fuck him for the information because she hasn't been sleeping with the men for a while, and my father most likely slit his throat?"

What the fuck? How does she know that?

"Yes," I state, shocked.

"Hmm, I'm guessing Mattia will be with her," she remarks coldly, and I clear my throat, unsure how this conversation is going. I thought she'd scream, shout, or threaten me, not act coldly.

"Yes, her guard will be with her," I say.

"What time will she be arriving?" Her voice is void of any emotion.

"She'll be here at 5:00."

"And where are you staying?"

Okay, this is definitely different from how I thought this would go.

"Maryland Hotel, in the penthouse," I say carefully.

"Okay, thank you for letting me know."

Then she hangs up! She fucking hangs up! I go into the kitchen to find my family and Stefano, and see them all around the counter, still looking at the pictures of Mila.

I state, "That was most probably the weirdest fucking conversation I've ever had with my wife."

They all raise their eyebrows.



I don't know how long I sit here replaying the conversation with Damian.

"Your mother knows about Mila…."

"She's on her way…."

"Yes, her guard will be with her…."

"5 PM…."

It's not until I hear April coming in the door that I snap out of it. She's the only other person, along with my therapist I met through Noah's connections, that I have told about how bad things got with my mother. I didn't want Glory to know; she'd probably go after them with a butcher knife.

When April gets near me, she notices my stiffened body and approaches carefully.

My voice is cold and void of any emotion. "I need you to watch Mila for the night, please. I know you have a date with Greg, but he's welcome to come here. Mila will probably like him, so it's no problem."

She raises her eyebrows high into her hairline.

"Of course, I can, but what's wrong, Sofia?" She asks, using my real name only in private. In public, she calls me “Soph,” making people think it's short for Sophie. Like I said, she knows everything; she's my best friend. It's how she knew who 'him' was yesterday.

"My mother is on her way to the penthouse at the Maryland Hotel with her guard. They know about Mila."

She stiffens at that, knowing what I must do, and nods.

"You were with us the entire night," she says it in a cold voice.