Page 18 of Bound To You

We stay in my office for a few hours to develop the best plan. After a lot of arguing on my part, it is agreed that, in two days, Alexandr would approach her first, knowing I am the last person she'll want to see. We set it all in motion, agreeing Sergi should stay behind as my second, much to his distress, because he wants to see her, too. To him, she's his sister.

There's a knock on my office door, and a guard enters.

"Mr. Russo, your wife is at the entrance, she wants to talk to you. Also, Mr. Volkov, we've found the traitor and the four men rumored to be with him. He's in the basement." Then he turns and walks out. My father and Stefano look at me, wanting me to step up.

"Dad, Alexandr, and Sergi, go to the basement, start questioning the traitor, get the men to line up my tools for when I get down there, and make sure the men who are rumored to be a part of his plans are there to witness everything, so this doesn't happen again."

I turn to look at my mother; she smiles and places a kiss on my cheek before whispering, "It'll all work out." She then turns to walk out of the office.

I turn to Stefano and say, "Let's see what the wicked witch wants, shall we?" He chuckles, following me out. He may be married to her, but since Sofia left, instead of becoming closer, he grew more distant, which angered Victoria. She knows she can't leave him because she'll get a bullet between the eyes, so she puts up with it, but then tries to get into our business, where she is not welcome.

"Victoria, what a surprise!" I state once we get to the reception area on the ground floor. She looks at me, scowling like I'm beneath her shoe because of what I did to her daughter. She's been looking at me with distaste more often recently.

"I've come to talk to my husband, not the man who drove away my daughter," she says with a sneer. That’s funny, considering she never tried to help find her; she only brought the waterworks when it suited her, then got flat-out drunk.

"What do you need, Victoria? I told you we were having a meeting," Stefano says, then sighs, and I feel for him. She's a viper, but she looks at him longingly. It's clear she's a bitch, but how much of that is a reaction to the pain of her broken marriage?

"And when I called the household to speak with Maria, the maid stated he was in the meeting, so I guessed it was about our daughter. I should be involved, don't you think?"

Stefano crosses his arms over his chest and says, "You haven't tried to be involved in finding her for three years; why would I involve you now?" She goes bright red.

"Actually, I have, just not with you; every time I tried to call you, your mistress would answer, so I took matters into my own hands, or are you forgetting I have my own money from my mother?" she sneers in rage.

What the fuck?

She hasn't been a mother to Sofia at all, yet she's been looking for her for years? I thought she was just drinking herself to death.

Way to go, Stefano. One way to push your wife further away is to get your mistress to answer your phone! Idiot.

"I think I found her in Texas; that's why I wanted to be involved, but now I see I should have just gone with Mattia on my own!"

Shit, we can't have her interfering; we still don’t know why Sofia always had those bruises.

I walk closer to her and say, "It doesn't matter anyway; we already looked into it. It's not her. I'm sorry."

I turn and walk away as she screams and cries, "It's her; I know it is. It has to be," over and over. I look at her, and for the first time in years, I see real emotion. I sigh, nod to Stefano who nods back, then go down to the basement and let him try to sort his wife out. I feel bad, but she shouldn't know she was onto something until we figure out what was going on under their roof while Sofia was there. Stefano never investigated it.

When I get to the bottom of the stairs, I head through the steel door into the soundproof part of the basement. The traitor is stripped naked, hanging by his hands from the ceiling, covered in bruises. Looks like the others started the fun without me. The four men rumored to be working with him are standing at the back wall, watching with pale faces.

"Son, Mikhail was offered $3 million to get the whereabouts of our warehouses, the drop-off and pick-up times for our guns, and where the security cameras were located for the Greek Mafia don, Adrian Adino. They were then to report back to him next week. He doesn't know why, but I call it for what it is, gentlemen: bullshit," Father states in a low growl, trying to hide his smirk.

"Perfect, I need a release for my anger." Mikhail pales, and I hear a deep intake of breath from the men standing near the wall. There are rumors about how I torture, all true but never witnessed by anyone outside my family, anyone who lived to tell the tale, anyway. I head toward my table and pick up a small, sharp knife, then turn back to our traitor.

"Please, Damian, please, I needed the money; I'm in debt. I've gambled away everything. Please! Adrian is losing money; he paid the last of it to me to get the information. His men are leaving him, and his brother is trying to fight for leadership. I'm sorry, please."

I smirk. "I know why he needs your help." I lean in close. "I know everything. Who do you think is helping Basil take over? His daughter Phoebe Adino is arranged to be married to Alexandr next year; the three million was sent back, but to Basil, not Adrian, and as we currently speak, his car is being blown up with explosives we gave Basil. All I wanted to know was who betrayed the Bratva because we don't like traitors here. Traitors die." He pales even more, then proceeds to piss on himself. I just managed to step back, and miss being pissed on as Alexandr and Sergi chuckle. My father just smirks, shaking his head.

"It's a lucky day for you, really. They only got a few hits in, but I'm the only one who'll be torturing today."

My father smirks as Mikhail begins to tremble violently.

I take the knife and place the tip on this shoulder, then dig it in. He cries out, which makes everyone laugh.

"Oh dear, it looks like someone has a low pain tolerance," I mock, then proceed to slice thin pieces of flesh from his body. I go back to my table and grab the plyers, then walk back to our traitor and slowly rip his nails from of his fingers. He passes out, so I step back, and Sergi throws a cold bucket of water over him. He gasps, waking up coughing. I then grab my knife again, and along with the pliers. I use the pliers to hold the tip of his dick, then use the knife to slice it off. He screams, then proceeds to pass out again. Sergi comes back with another bucket of cold water. This lasts for about an hour. I have a lot of anger and regret to work through. Torture seems to help. By the time I'm done, the only skin left on him is his face and back.

Alexandr checks Mikhail’s pulse, then he looks at me, then toward the four other men.
