Page 30 of Doc

It’s hard to give up a person I have loved for as long as I have. The man is my heart, but he has Prue, who apparently lost their baby. He chose her, not me. I need to stop calling him and listening to his voice.

If he loves me so much, why is he with her?

Why did he give her his cut?

I need to move forward, and Austen has been patient with me. I think it’s time I move on with my life. I need to stop calling Doc, and I need to give Austen my whole attention, well, as much as I can with my job, my mental health, and my hurt.

I can do that right?

I give him a smile, deciding something I hope won’t come and bite me in the ass. I say, “In about three weeks.”

He grins wide, squeezing me to kiss my forehead, before continuing to walk me home from work. My mind wonders like it normally does, and now I feel sick for agreeing to go away with him, knowing he’ll want more.

“Kennedy Gray,” a voice calls from my left. I smile at the nurse before standing and gently putting my hand on my small bump.

Today is my twenty-week scan, where I find out if I’m having a boy or a girl. I’m excited, but I also feel a little guilty. Lola messaged, and I haven’t messaged her back, but apparently, Prue lost the baby, and here I am carrying Doc’s child while she’s apparently lost hers.

Well, that is if she was actually pregnant….

Sniper called after Lola texted. He doesn’t believe she was pregnant at all. According to my dear friend, Prue used it as an excuse to get Doc, and if she did, well, it worked.

I stand on the scale, before the nurse takes my blood pressure, and then a urine sample. After that, I take a seat on the exam table, swinging my legs and waiting for Dr. Lansley, my phone burning a hole in my pocket.

I want to call him. But he chose her. I knew he had a family to think of now, but since finding out about the baby, the need to call pulls me in.

“Good morning, Kennedy. Are we ready to see if the baby is going to play ball?”

I grin wide at Dr. Lansley. His dark brown eyes sparkle, his white hair neat. I was apprehensive about having a male OB, but he’s amazing.

I nod and lay back on the bed, lifting my top as he gets the gel, squirting it on my stomach before grabbing the doppler and placing it over the gel.

“Okay, little one, let’s see what you are,” he murmurs, and I chuckle a little. I look at the screen, my baby in full view. I look at the head, the little arms and legs, before my eyes go to the chest, and I freeze.

You know the worst thing about being a nurse? It’s being a nurse who sees a prenatal scan and sees no heartbeat.

“Dr Lansley…” I whisper, hoping my eyes are playing with me.

He mutters, “Fuck….” And my heart shatters.

Austen kisses my head as we approach my apartment building, bringing me out of my trauma, and I smile.

He tilts his head, smiling, and asks, “So when do I get to meet the parents then, if you’re now willing to go away with me?”

Ah, yes, my parents. Shocker, I haven’t heard anything from them, but that may have something to do with my changing my number. Alex has said Momma always looks angry, and he hasn’t seen my dad, but that doesn’t surprise me.

I feel free from them and the abuse, and the closet. That’s the only good thing about me moving.

I’m free, but drowning in pain and trauma.

I squeeze his hand. “I’m, uh, I’m not close to my parents.” He furrows his brows, but I smile. " My cousin Breaker, though, I think he’ll like you.”

He nods, knowing a little about the MC but not about Doc. He only knows that I loved a man, then lost him.

“So does this mean we’re exclusive, then?” he asks with a sly smile, and I chuckle, shaking my head.

I reply, " Not yet. I’m just not ready…. Maybe after we get back?”

He grins but nods before bending down to kiss me, and I kiss him back—but nothing, no spark, no tingling, no butterfly flutters. Nothing.