Page 24 of Doc

"What the fuck?"I hear my dad curse before he shouts, "Lucas? Lucas, son…."

He comes to the doorway of my bathroom in the room he refuses to get rid of, his eyes widening. Shelly is right behind him, instantly crying at the state of me.

All I can whisper are two words, words that break me inside.

"She's gone…."

Shelly sobs, seeing my pain, as my father rushes over to me, wrapping his arm around my head, andplacing it on his shoulder.

I let my tears fall as he whispers,"Do what we said, son; write to her, tell her how you feel on paper, and when she returns, which she fucking will, give her each letter you wrote. Call her every single day, if she doesn't answer, leave a message. If she does, then just talk to her until she hangs up. Fucking fight for her, son, show her how much you love her. Show her she wasn't the other woman, and she is your woman, and in the meantime, we'll work with Tech to save her freedom, and I'll get Sniper to fix your bike on the down low."

Shelly sobs as my dad holds me for a little while, before they both clean up my arm and side. They then sit with me in my room for over an hour as I sit in a daze. It's only when I finally put pen to paper that they leave me to it, Shelly kissing my head, telling me she loves me.

I look at my words with my heart in my throat, the pain from the crash barely registering against the pain of losing the girl who owns my heart, the girl I'm going to search the earth for.

My Dearest Pixie,

Today, you left me. You left without hearing me out, and it hurt. It hurt so much. I didn't want to make her my old lady, I didn't want to watch your pain, but I had to because you sacrificed yourself and your beliefs all those years ago to protect me. Now, I have to hurt you to save you.

I feel like I'm dying, baby; I can't breathe without you, but now I have to, and it's hard.

I crashed my bike and tore up my side and arm up, yet I don't feel anything, only your loss.

Come back to me, Pixie, please, come home to me.

I love you.

Your Lucas x


Kennedy – One Week Later

I narrow my eyes at Peter as he tries to look down my scrub top, but thankfully, he fails because he is only a few inches taller than me.

According to Mandy, the head nurse, he thinks he's God's gift to man, and can do what he wants when he wants, including making women uncomfortable. But I won't put up with it. He isn't a doctor, he's an intern on his last warning, and what he doesn't know is that I am a woman scorned, a woman hurt and broken.

I am a woman not to be messed with!

I give him a brow raise and, in front of the attending physician, I ask, "Is there a reason you're trying to look down my top? I mean, I know it's my first day, but I'm pretty sure that's not part of my job description, especially when we're about to head onto the ward with tiny babies."

Peter’s cheeks redden at being called out so blatantly as Dr. Harlow grins at me, before looking at Peter and saying, "You've already had two warnings for this behavior, Peter. Let's not make it a third."

His nostrils flare, but I ignore him, and walk behind Dr. Harlow to meet the tiny humans. My palms are sweaty, and I feel a little sick, which has been building up these past few days, but there's also excitement. Working with babies that need help has been my dream.

Leaving Huntersville was hard, but I know it was for the best. Alex has said he'll come visit often with Noah. Honestly, they were the only ones keeping me there…along with Doc, but now he has an old lady and a baby on the way.

My decision to leave was the right one, even if I feel like I'm dying.

I wash my hands and glove up, before walking into the room. Several incubators line the walls, all of them filled with the smallest of babies, with wires and tubes attached to them. My heart breaks. One by one, Dr. Harlow takes us to meet the parents and explain each condition per child. Some were simply born too early, others have medical conditions requiring surgery, and then some are here for the end of life, and that is gut-wrenching, making me question if I can do this.

I spend the day getting used to the hospital and the staff. They show me the storage rooms and on call rooms, before I spend my hour break speaking to Noah and Sniper, who both grill me about the new hospital.

Noah claims to be trying to set his dad up with his teacher Quinn, which I really wish I could help with because, yeah, those two together would be amazing. Meanwhile, Sniper admits to meeting a woman.

The man is a goner, which I can truly admit to never having seen before, and I'm happy about it.

I feel like I'm missing loads, and it's hard, but I know this was the best decision for me.