“You hurt me, Serval.”
He winced but didn’t look away from her. He faced what he did head on. Guilty, but acknowledging the reality of it. “I know. I’m sorry. I was thoughtless.”
“You were stupid.”
“I was also that,” he smiled, weak and wan. “I think your show is strange, but wonderful. I love that it exists for no other purpose than to bring a bit of sweetness and joy into the world. And maybe my content is more serious, but it’s not more valuable. The stories I cover will be forgotten when the next big event rolls around. Your videos are going to be a source of joy for years to come, and the way you introduce Earth to the universe will do more for more people than I can ever hope to compete with. And that’s what I really believe to be true.”
She shook her head, grinning. “Okay. I accept your apology already. You don’t have to pile it on so thick.”
“I mean it,” he insisted, grabbing for her hands, gently uncrossing her arms so he could hold them. “I think we both do something important. We do it so differently, through the same medium, with very different results. And I’m sorry if I ever made you feel, for even a moment, that wasn’t true.”
Sophie melted, stepping into his arms, relaxing against his chest as he embraced her. The bright sting of his olules stroking her face made her shiver as he kissed the top of her head.
Chapter 38
There was something in the air between him and his female as she took him by the hand and led him through the halls of their ship to their room. Korvii and Hela were in the guest room now. No one disturbed them or got in their way as she took him inside.
Neither of them spoke. Like they both felt the strangeness lingering. Not a strained pain, or even the shadow of hurt. It was like the calm after pain had faded. When you weren’t hurting, but the area was still sensitive, and you were more aware of it than before.
He didn’t know why Sophie was leading him back here, but he wasn’t questioning it. He only knew where they were going because it was his home. He didn’t actually look away from the back of her head as she took him wherever she wanted.
She felt safe with him.
She trusted him.
It was hard not to feel powerful hearing that. She allowed him to tend to her safety, and that made her seem careless. But it wasn’t because she actually was careless, it was because she wasn’t worried. She didn’t need to be cautious because she left that to him.
As she should, a distinctly masculine voice declared in the back of his head.
She would let him handle the worrying and do as he suggested. Not because she was incapable of looking after herself, but because she didn’t have to. That was his honor and privilege.
But he heard the unspoken other side to that as well.
She very well could take care of herself. And if she stopped letting him do so, it was because she no longer trusted or counted on him to do it for her.
And that was a threat he couldn’t stand even the thought of.
Sophie brought him to their privy where she pushed him to lean against the counter before she got to work undressing him. His clothes were dusty and dirty, he was sweaty and filthy. He wanted to tell her that he could do that, but he held his tongue.
It was nice, having her take care of him like this. He stared at her face as she slowly, methodically worked, trying to figure out her purpose.
Her movements weren’t sexual. Or enticing. They were more clinical. Efficient. Like she was performing a duty of some kind.
From his neck, down to his feet, she undressed him. Then, when she was done, she stepped back and undressed herself.
And while the movements might not have been overtly sensual, that didn’t stop the immediate bolt of arousal that hit him the moment he saw more of her skin. She tossed her clothing aside with his, leaving her clad in nothing.
He licked his lips, entranced by the weight of her unbound breasts, the rounding of her hips, the tempting peek at her cunt.
She didn’t have to try. He would want her no matter what she did or didn’t wear, whether she tried or not. She was stunning to him. He was weak to her.
He let her grab him by the hand and pull him into the cleanser where she turned on the wii safe cleaning mist and began to rub her hands all over him. Wiping away the grime of the day.
His cock rose, his ovules waving hungrily in the air. He wanted to push her against the wall and claim her there. Reaffirm their bond. Remind her how precious she was to him.
But he didn’t. Because he was still trying to figure out her purpose.