They scent us before they see us, standing at attention. A howl of joy escapes them, their happiness contagious as they bound forward to bump snouts with Ragnar. My normally reserved mate returns the greeting.
“You live!” Kil yips happily, jumping up and down. His tail swishes around his feet.
“We live! I fought the humans off barehanded and dragged us all the way here.” I joke but I regret it when I see the awe on their faces. They don’t quite get jokes yet. Ragnar huffs out a laugh at their expressions.
‘Not quite but close enough. Did you bring the medicine?” He asks, dipping down so that I can slide to the ground before helping Sutton down as well. Neither twin answers, their gazes locked onto the newcomer. She fidgets, uncomfortable with their attention.
Leaving Ragnar to explain it all, I rush to the side door and yank it open, driven by the desire to see my sisters, to see that they are safe with my own two eyes. It seems like an eternity has passed since I left the safety of our bunker for my mission. My mind is so filled with all the hypotheticals, that I don’t realize I’m not alone until it is too late.
A scream rips from me when I am greeted by an absolute nightmare. A giant spider is sitting beside the bunker entrance, all of his eyes focused upon me. Just like the Gilgamites, he is an odd mixture of bug-like and human-like features. My heart nearly beats out of my chest when he rises to his full height, staring down at me with mixed emotions.
The sound of tearing metal is loud. Covering my ears, I am not prepared for Ragnar quite literally tearing down a wall to get to me, his teeth bared as he confronts this newest threat. He makes it halfway to the spider dude before freezing. I watch in horror as he stands up, the threat disappearing from his demeanor.
“Why did you scream?” He asks confused, scanning what remains of the building for a threat.
“I believe I startled your little mate.” The spider murmurs, standing even taller to greet Ragnar. Ragnar turns to me, confused.
“You didn’t describe what he looked like, and I was unprepared.” I murmur, trying to defend myself. This must be Rolcor, the mysterious monster that lived in the warehouse with Ragnar.
The bunker doors choose that moment to open, my sisters rushing out to investigate the chaos. They don’t even spare Rolcor a look, their eyes landing on me with varying degrees of shock and disbelief. My heart clenches with worry and fear for them before reality rears its head. They are safe. We are finally safe, and we have these males to thank for that.
Relief takes over when I see that they all look healthy, alive and well. Tears fall as all the worry, fear and stress from the last few weeks melts away and it all becomes worth it.
“Reggie!” Kaine cries, running full tilt until she crashes into me, wrapping her arms around me. Michelle and Steph follow close behind, falling against us until we are one giant hug pile. We are all crying, trying to talk at once.
“I thought you were dead!” Steph cries.
“You bitch! How could you leave us that long?” Michelle demands at the same time.
“We weren’t sure what to think when the big guys showed up with your bags.” Kaine murmurs, hardly able to talk through her tears. Pulling back, I wipe at my own face before telling them the entire story.
By the time I finish telling the PG version of the last few weeks, their eyes are huge as they stare at Ragnar, who has come to sit beside me while we talked. His massive head is lying next to me, his eyes closed as he takes a much-needed cat nap.
The twins and Rolcor are keeping watch outside, waiting for Talnag to return from a hunt for fresh meat. Apparently, they have taken it upon themselves to care for my sisters in my stead. Though according to the twins, Talnag was reluctant to stray far from the city. It makes my heart feel warm and fuzzy knowing that our family is growing.
“You are his mate?” Steph asks, her face furrowed with confusion and a little bit of disgust. My nonexistent hackles rise, waiting for their judgment. If they can’t accept Ragnar as my mate, I will be devastated but ultimately it won’t change my mind. I love him too much. They are safe, they are cared for. It is time I start living for myself.
“I am. Is that a problem? If it is then I will leave again. I owe him everything, as do you.” I murmur, motioning to Steph’s arm which is wrapped in bandages but looking much less irritated than the last time I saw it.
‘It’s not a problem, it’s just weird.” She says with a shrug, her gaze no longer focused on me. Turning I follow the line of her sight, through the gaping hole that Ragnar caused. She is looking at Rolcor, and to my shock he is looking right back at her.
“It’s only weird if you make it weird. Our world is changing, as are the norms. The only one who is stopping you from finding happiness is you.” It is a harsh truth but one they all need to hear.
“We can discuss the pros and cons of alien dick later. Did you say there is a baby?” Kaine squeaks, changing the subject. Shit! I completely forgot about Sutton. Climbing to my feet, I am not surprised when Ragnar is instantly awake and, on his feet, so that he can follow me outside.
“Holy shit!” Michelle gasps, startled. Grinning at her reaction, I hurry outside. Sutton is sitting on the ground, rocking a sleeping Angel back and forth.
“Sutton I am so sorry!” My face heats with a blush, unable to believe I forgot all about her. She smiles graciously, waiving away my apologies.
“Don’t worry about it. Rolcor was just telling me about your sisters and how worried they were for you. Besides, Angel needed fed and naps better when it is quiet.” She leans down to kiss her daughter’s head.
“Oh my god, she is so adorable.” Kaine whispers, moving to greet Sutton with a side hug. My other sisters follow suit, oohing and awing over Angel. Stepping back, I lean against Ragnar’s leg. Tipping my head back, I stare into his beautiful azure eyes, basking in the moment. My sisters are outside in the daytime, getting to see a baby for the first time in three years.
We are safe, cared for and we have hope. We all were afraid we would die slowly in the bunker, abandoned by our world while just trying to survive. All of that changed when I caught the attention of the giant beast above me. The most gorgeous, kind soul I’ve ever met.
He fell asleep quickly earlier and I wasn’t able to formally introduce my sisters to him before. Now, my heart feels sure to burst with the need for them to meet. For them to know the beautiful soul that I have the pleasure of calling mine.
“Guys?” I say out loud, catching my sisters’ attention. They swivel to look at me with curiosity. Stepping forward and to the side, I wave towards Ragnar. “Ragnar, these are my sisters. Sisters, this is Ragnar. The love of my life, my heart, my soul, my mate.” His chest puffs up with joy at my words. Slightly unsure, all three sisters just stare at him.