Page 45 of Ragnar

When he moves to run again, I pounce, holding him to the floor with one paw. His struggles are valiant but ultimately useless. He has no hope to escape me. His little fists beat against my paws, his blunt nails trying to gouge and maim me. Rolling my eyes, I lift a claw to slide it beneath his throat. A blast of fear scent nearly staggers me, as well as the stench of urine. This time I do laugh.

“Squirm all you want little worm, I’ll never let you go. Not until I bathe in your blood and feast upon your entrails.” On my home world, an offense against your mate is the ultimate insult. The highest level of crime that is punishable by death. I have no pity, not even when he begins to beg.

“Help me! Please! I’m sorry! I’m sorry Reggie! Please, I am so sorry.” Tears roll down his pallid cheeks. It only fans the flames of my rage higher.

“Reggie! Stop him!” Sam demands, somewhere to the back of me. Angrily, I snatch Elijah up in my grip and spin to face the sheriff.

“Stop me? There is no stopping me. My mate was wronged, and I will mete out the justice that you failed to.” To emphasize my point, I slam the small body in my grasp onto the ground. Just barely, I manage to avoid crushing him. Shouts of anger and disapproval ring out, but the most important voice stays silent.

Meeting Reggie’s gaze, I gauge her reactions. She is pale but I do not see judgment in her eyes, only love is shining back at me. Despite the awful fear smell coming from Elijah, I can still scent her. It is strong and relaxing. My whole body reacts to it, the tension bleeding from me little by little. As much as I want this, to feel the glory in killing Elijah in a gory battle, I want her more. It has been too long since I was able to just hold her. She is calm in the middle of my storm.

Looking down at the battered, half-conscious man beneath me, I make my decision. It is time we go home. The human is in agony, his face twisted with fear, an acknowledgement of his coming doom. His body is already broken, his spirit fragile. It is enough for me. With a flick of my wrist, I snap his neck.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


The night air is cool outside the warehouse. After Ragnar snapped Elijah’s neck like a glow stick, he scooped me up and took off outside. We do not make it far before he sets me down, shifting so that he can wrap me up in his big arms. We are still within the human compound, but the darkness hides us as Ragnar holds on tight to me.

Letting our surroundings melt away, I grasp him to me. The comfort his arms bring is the best medicine and the flood gates open. Tears roll down my cheeks and I let all my emotions out in a storm. A storm that my mate holds me through. No questions, no demands for answers. He simply holds me. Steadfast and strong as ever.

Relief makes me cry harder. Relief that I didn’t lose him. Relief that our future is laid out before us, waiting to be shaped and molded. At least for the next six months. My fear returns marginally. Ragnar finally pulls away, tipped off by the change in my scent.

“What is wrong, my love? We are finally safe. I will get us to your sisters, we can decide what to do from there.” He tries to reassure me, pitching his voice low to pair with a vibration. Shaking my head I push away, needing to tell him everything the Gilgamites said.

“We have to return here in six months, Ragnar. The Gilgamites said they would kill all the humans if we didn’t.” A blip of darkness to dim the bright hope from a few moments ago.

“Let them. What do we care if they kill every single man?” The confusion in his eyes is real which calms some of my frustration. To him, humans are singular. Man, woman. He hasn’t seen enough to know the vulnerabilities we face. I wouldn’t be surprised if his people popped out fully grown monsters. A pang of envy hits me when I think about babies and his kind, about how I will most likely never know what a baby Ragnar would look like.

Guilt eats at me as well. Do I even want to bring a baby into this world? Poor Sutton is facing the harsh reality of parenting in an apocalypse right now. This world is fucked up, even more so than it was before the monsters. Children are so vulnerable and as a parent you are their source of everything. Is it the smartest thing to do, to bring a child into this dark world?

“There aren’t just men here Ragnar. There are women, children and elderly people. Innocents. We can’t let them be killed because we chose to love one another. The Gilgamites want me to be pregnant. We can’t escape that reality any more than we can let them all die.” I whine, needing him to see my point, to understand my reticence. With a hefty sigh he snatches me back into his arms.

“Then we do everything in our power to make sure you are carrying my offspring.” The purr in his words sends a shiver down my spine and makes my heart skip a beat. Desire flares between us, the flames fanned by our fear and need for one another. As welcome a distraction as it is, I need him to understand first.

“Doesn’t that scare you? To be parents in this fucked up world? What if they want to harm our child? An even bigger worry is that we can’t have a child together at all.” The words tumble out of me, even as I caress his scales, memorizing the feel of them. I am careful to avoid his fresh wounds and newer, softer scales.

“It does not. I fear losing you and by extension our offspring, but the thought of having one with you makes my heart sing with joy. Whatever happens, if you are there, I will be happy. We cannot live our lives in fear of the unknown. We will face the threats as they come. Until then, we live our lives to the best of our abilities. As for our ability to breed…we will simply have to try until we die.” He leans in to lick my throat, trailing his tongue to the neckline of my t-shirt. My core clenches hotly at the promise in his words. “I need you.” He moans, adding to the fire coursing through my veins. Damn, I need him too. I need the contact, the comfort of his touch. I need to forget it all for a little while.

Throwing my arms around his neck, I pull him closer. Gently, he pushes my shirt off my shoulders, baring my breasts to his ministrations. There is a sense of urgency though, driving me to writhe and buck against him. My body begs when my voice fails me, needing the solace only he can provide.

With a growl, he lifts me off my feet, pinning my back against the nearest building. Shouts can be heard in the distance, but we are in our own world where nothing can reach us. With quick, jerky motions he pulls my pants down and my shirt over my head and off.

The feel of his scales against my heated flesh is heavenly and I can’t help but moan at the sensation. My moan is echoed when his hands grab a handful of my ass, pulling me against the heat of his erection.

His cocks emerge and split, one hitting my clit and the other teasing at my entrance. Pre-cum eases the way, adding friction as he grinds against me. I am already slick with arousal, needing this more than I need air to breathe. A vibration rattles from his chest to mine, amping up my desire until I am practically weeping with it.

“Please. I need you now.” I beg, letting him see his effect on me. With a masculine chuckle, he trails a claw under my chin to tilt my gaze to his own.

“My desire for you is too great. I cannot go slowly.” Raw desire leaves his jaws split, panting with each breath. Little moans and growls escape him as he positions his cocks at my entrance, finding me slick and ready.

With a shallow thrust, he claims my body one inch at a time. My own cries threaten to wake the entire compound. Biting my lip to hold them in, I dig my nails into his back, holding on for dear life. The incredible fullness is almost too much for my over sensitized mind, taking me over until I can only throw my head back and hang onto his shoulders, my legs tight around his waist as he begins to thrust faster, deeper.

The feelings are far from just sexual, so much so that I can’t even comprehend it all. It feels like I am being consumed, his presence and body taking me over until I am his to do with as he wishes. My soul rises to meet his as our bodies collide. His big hands grip my hips, pulling me in to meet his thrusts when the speed becomes too much for me, overwhelmed by it all. My body is putty in his hands, my heart and soul are his to hold.

“Fuck. Ragnar, I’m going to come.” I whine, leaning forward to bite at his shoulder, trying to stifle my moans.

“Such a pretty little mate. I could taste you forever, savor the way your body hungers for mine.” He growls, leaning forward to lick and suck at my mate mark. My inner muscles clench, my orgasm building so that implosion is imminent.