My giggles morph into manic laughter as it all comes crashing down on me. Tears stream down my face as I wrap my arms around my middle, as if that is enough to hold my crumbling pieces together. Laura sets down her tablet to wrap me up in an awkward hug.
“It's going to be okay. You aren’t going to die; they just want data and to observe you. They need this experiment to succeed, you are their key. They aren’t going to risk messing that up.” Her whispered words don’t mean much, they could be as empty as my energy reserves, but I must trust her. Otherwise, I will lose what little hope I have left. This whole experience has been a lesson in trust. I used to pride myself on my refusal to lean on others and yet I am forced to do so at every turn.
“What do you need to know? I want to get back to my mate and go home.” I murmur, defeated. Laura nods, stepping back into her crisp professional role. Taking up her tablet once more, she clicks onto a screen that shows a picture of me.
“My experience with human anatomy allows me to make sure that nothing is amiss. Will you answer a few questions for me?” I nod, urging her to continue. “Have you had sexual intercourse with the Memnar male that includes but isn’t limited to penetration?” Her voice never waivers, keeping its professional tone. I, on the other hand, feel like melting into a hole in the floor. Dozens of eyes are on me, waiting with bated breath for my answer. It makes me feel icky and gross.
“Yes, I have.” I murmur, wincing at the numerous gasps of surprise that ring out through the room. Gag. This is far too much interest in my love life for my comfort.
“Have you experienced any pelvic or abdominal pain following intercourse?” I shake my head no. “Would you consent to a pelvic scan? I want to make sure that nothing is wrong before we move on to the next set of questions.” She looks at me expectantly and I reluctantly nod.
The scan is relatively quick and painless, just a flash of light from the tablet aimed at my groin. Laura turns the tablet so that I can see my own image, different data points flashing across the screen. Nothing is blaring red with warning signs, so I take it as a positive.
“What’s next?” I ask, almost afraid of what she will say next. My blood type? My number of sexual partners? My weirdest date I’ve ever been on? It seems nothing is off limits. When she grimaces, my fears are validated.
“A pregnancy test.”
Chapter Twenty-Seven
I’m not sure which I’m angrier about. The fact that I had to take a pregnancy test or that alien technology hasn’t advanced past the pee-stick. If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it, I guess. The audience is also a problem. A damn crowd tried to follow me into the restroom. Only Laura’s no-nonsense attitude saved me from having to pee in front of a gaggle of the science bugs.
As it is, they are all crowding over the table to see the results. I can almost pretend it’s a group of girlfriends excitedly waiting for the results, except I never had girlfriends and I’m having an existential crisis over the possibility that I might be pregnant. What will that even look like? Can I have a child with Ragnar, and why am I sad at the possibility that I can?
He is a literal house sized monster. There is no way I am pushing out a baby the size of a VW Beetle. Horror and sadness take turns making me cry. The thought of being pregnant with a monster baby is what nightmares are made of and yet I can’t help but being sad that I might never see a cute chubby baby with a mix of our features.
A round of clicking boos yanks me from my brain fog and I look up to see Laura taking notes while shooing the other scientists away from her table.
“Negative.” She murmurs for my benefit, moving the test to the trash before turning to face me.
“Could…could I have a child with Ragnar?” I ask, unsure how it could be possible. Laura shrugs.
“That is what I’m here to figure out. You are our first pair of inter-mated species. Humans are universal breeders. That doesn’t mean that they can successfully breed, just that we have the capability. That is what this experiment is about. What species can breed with humans and which ones can’t. Those that can’t will die out, and those that do will save their species through cross-breeding. Two species becoming one.” She smiles at me sadly and for the first time, I consider what her story is. How did she become trapped on this ship, working for the bad guys?
“Why are you doing this?” She looks up in surprise, her face thoughtful.
“I’m doing this because I want it to be done right. This experiment was started at the expense of humans. By helping the Gilgamites I am providing some sort of relief to their subjects, and I can make sure the women are seen as more than baby making machines.” She grins ruefully, as helpless in the grand scheme of things as I am.
“Thank you. I’m not sure what would have happened if I had to do this exam with someone that isn’t human. You made a difference with me.” She brightens up instantly. “But, you do not owe anyone anything. Choose what is best for you, not what is better for others. Life is too short to be a people pleaser.” I joke and she laughs half-heartedly.
“As much as I agree with you, I can’t do that. The outside world is a broken place. At least here I have safety and food. There are also other patients that I can’t and won’t abandon…subjects that I am studying.” She trails off at the end, casting her gaze towards the two-way window and the monster behind it. As a deputy, I’ve picked up on shifts in demeanor and Laura is hiding something.
If we were under different circumstances I would pry, but we aren’t. I have no right to pry, just as she has no right to pry into my life. Still, the bond we share as women in the apocalypse makes me reach out and take her hand. She gives a soft smile, clenching my hand tight for a moment before letting them drop.
“Now, I need to measure your vitals when you are in the vicinity of your mate. I need to see if your chemical composition has changed. Do the Memnar practice in sharing fluids during sexual intercourse?” Gone is the bonding moment, she is back in her role as doctor. I’m back in my role of being far too uncomfortable discussing my sex life.
“Yes. They have to bite you during sex to make a mating bond.” I murmur, praying she doesn’t ask to see it.
“Is there a permanent mark? May I see it?” She asks and I mentally curse. Even though a few days have passed, the mark is still quite prominent. It looks even worse with the healing taking place, big splotchy bruises.
“Can we keep the judgment to a minimum?” I snark, masking my unease with sass. She nods, stepping back to give me space. Well fuck. Now I consider how I’m going to show her without accidentally baring a boob to the horde of space bugs.
Shifting to one side, I pull my shirt down my shoulder. The blue-yellow bruises are as startling now as ever and Laura’s gasp of horror only confirms it. Her fingers deftly trace the marks before taking a few pictures with her tablet.
“My medical oath means I have to ask, are you safe with him? Truly? The size scans mean that you shouldn’t be compatible, but you have clearly mated and formed a bond. Do you need help escaping him?” Her concern is genuine and for a moment I am dumbstruck. Do they not know he can shift? Interesting. Playing my cards close to my chest, I give her a noncommittal response.
“I am fine.” Frustration flits across her face but she masks it well. As much as I feel a connection to her, I will not endanger my mate if I do not have to. If they don’t know he can shift, then they don’t know he has a vulnerability which is fine by me. “Can you take me to him now, I do not like to be away from him.” Rubbing my arms, I try to fight the fear that threatens to overwhelm me.