Page 36 of Ragnar

“So, you have fucked that thing?” He asks, just barely masking the judgment in his words.

“How about you go fuck yourself. I’m not telling you anything.” I spit back, climbing to my feet to storm off towards Ragnar’s body. Tears escape against my will when I see his injuries. A pool of green blood leaks across the floor. The drag marks clear on the concrete floor. What I can see of his side is shredded.

“Whether you wish to tell me anything or not, both our lives count on it.” Sam’s voice is sad now and I turn back to see him looking down at Ragnar as well.

“Slut.” A voice cuts in, coughing the word out mockingly. Elijah. Whirling to my newest target, I grin cruelly.

“Ooooh big emotions. Can the little human not handle the fact that he doesn’t even have half the finess that an alien does? Does it make you feel small? If you can’t get past the cheeks, just say so.” I hold my thumb and pointer finger about an inch apart, taunting him. Rage masks his face as he storms towards me. Priming for the fight, I am left with proverbial blue balls when Sam steps in again.

“Keep your shit together or you are out of here.” He snaps and Elijah stops in his tracks, huffing with his anger. To place the cherry on top, I move my fingers back to where I had them, mouthing ‘inch’. He has more control that I give him credit for and doesn’t immediately jump to punch me. He does something worse.

With an evil grin of his own, he turns towards Ragnar. His eyes are unwavering, locked on his newest target. The only sure-fire way to get to me. My mate. Pulling a knife out of his pocket, his thoughts are loud and clear.

“Don’t you fucking dare!” I snarl, moving to intercept him. Sam gets between us once more, snatching the knife from Elijah’s hand.

“Get. Out. Of. Here.” Sam snarls, nodding to a few of the other men to remove Elijah. He goes quietly but his gaze never leaves mine. He probably thinks he is intimidating me, but I feel nothing. My mate will awaken eventually and when he does, I will let him eat that bitch. I might even watch for funsies. Or I might let the twins have him. Lord knows they would enjoy dissecting him piece by piece. Sometimes being unhinged is necessary.

Sam isn’t amused though; he turns to me with a glare as if I am to blame for all of this. I glare back, daring him to say a word. A rush fills me when I realize I feel more like my old self than I have in years. The take-no-shit baddie with little to no fear. Forgetting my anger at Sam, I turn to my mate.

I owe it all to him. He has allowed me to be free from the bonds I placed on myself for so long. He didn’t try to fix me, he loved me through it. He pulled me from my comfort zone and acted as my safety net in case I came crashing back down. Damn them for hurting him. Stepping towards his snout, I lovingly caress it with my hand.

“You really do love it, don’t you?” Sam asks with disgust. Rolling my eyes, I turn to face the group of men gathered.

“What is this all about? You didn’t drag him back here alive without a goal in mind. Why are we here? We weren’t bothering you at all! We were leaving the city and you actively hunted us. I want answers and I want them now.” Pouring authority into my voice, I meet each one of their gazes’ head on, holding eye contact until it makes them uncomfortable.

“We already told you about the aliens.” One man mumbles, his name escaping me. He might have been handsome once, but his black hair is dull, his dark eyes are full of fear.

“The aliens? They are all aliens!” I argue, motioning to Ragnar.

“The ones who are responsible for all of this. They told us to call them The Gil. They gave us all of this.” He waves his hand to encompass the entire warehouse.

“Blood bribes.” I grit out, angry.

“It was his blood or ours.” Sam argues, trying to get me to see his side.

“His blood may be green, but the hearts that beat in his chest feel the same emotions that ours do. He didn’t ask to be brought to Earth. To be hunted for simply existing.” Frustrated tears fall, unable to be held back any longer.

“He wasn’t hunted because he exists. He was hunted because of you.” The words are quiet, coming from one of the other men gathered around. My head snaps up and I look at Sam questioningly.

“They want you, Reggie. They promised to keep us safe if we agreed to capture proof that mating between humans and monsters was possible. We only agreed because we thought it was impossible and we could pretend to look while reaping the benefits. Then you ran off with him and we knew we had to pay the price they asked.” My world crumbles to a halt with his words, shattering my hope and replacing it with dread.

“You sold me out.” I gasp out, not truly shocked.

“For what it is worth, I am so sorry.” Sam offers but it doesn’t make it better.

“What will they do to us? Have you already told them?” I ask, needing to know what to expect. The sad look on Sam’s face is enough of an answer.

“NO! I just found him. You can’t let them take him from me! He is injured and needs help. He can’t fight them!” The begging catches me by surprise, as if my very soul is taking matters into its own hands. Pride be damned.

“I can’t do anything for you. We can heal some of his injuries but the sedative we shot him with will keep him asleep for a day or two. They should be here by morning.” My heart rate picks up and I feel the panic attack coming, my brain unable to process it all. Darkness begins to creep into the edges of my vision. Too much, too soon. Like a short circuit, my brain goes blank, the floor rushing up at me as I fall.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Something wet and cold hits my cheek, once, twice. Blinking rapidly, the low light feels like a thousand needles to my already throbbing head. When the cold-wet thing comes again, I groan as I try to shift away from it.

“Shhhhh. Let them think you are out for a little while longer.” A female voice murmurs, soothing me as I try to fight my way through the fog that makes my brain feel fuzzy and my headache intensifies.