One big thigh gently pushes mine apart, careful that his sails and spikes do not harm me. The whole time his eyes never leave mine, gauging my reactions. I do not deserve this beautiful creature.
“Normally my people mount their mate from the back, but I need to see your face. Is that alright my mate?” He asks shyly, fisting his cocks in his big hand. For a moment I forget he has asked me a question, entranced by the sight of him, his cocks twisting into a singular spiral column with three bulbous ends. My inner muscles clench at the thought of him pushing into me and I can’t decide if it's apprehension or excitement. The ridges create a beautiful spiral pattern when they are twisted together.
“Yes.” I finally manage to squeak out, nodding when he hesitates. Slowly, he begins to push into me. My inner muscles resist at first, fighting the invasion. It is a stretching burn that feels like I am being torn apart and remade in the best possible way. His cocks are coated in a clear substance. I didn’t even notice it until it eases his way, letting him push deeper as my muscles relax.
My moans echo between us, interspersed with his snarls of pleasure. His beautiful azure eyes flash from light to dark, signaling his battle with his inner beast. A shiver of pleasure zings down my spine at the thought of what is to come. The burn increases the more he fills me, and I love it. It makes me feel alive, a rush. It is only enhanced when I see his own pleasure written across his face.
When he is finally sheathed to the hilt, he pauses to let me adjust. We both groan at how amazing it feels. My inner muscles clench repeatedly, drawing him impossibly deeper. I’ve never felt this level of stretching, it almost borders on pleasure-pain. Experimentally I shift my hips, so that he glides out a few inches before sliding back in again. I nearly black out at the shock of ecstasy that invades my every nerve ending.
As if he can no longer stay still, he pulls back to thrust forward. We may be two different species, but this is one thing that is universal. My demons have no place between us, the beauty and pleasure of the moment sweeping away all conscious thought. Only feeling.
My hips rise to meet his, the brutality of his thrusts growing until I can only hang on for the ride. Grabbing on to his wrists, my eyes drift closed, and I let myself absorb every single sensation rushing through me. His eyes are closed as well, snarls and growls drawing out my own moans.
“Reggie! My mate!” He shouts as his thrusts pick up pace, saying my name right for the first time ever. It only adds to the magic. His tongue slips out to lick my neck and shoulder, a thick coating of saliva making my skin burn where it makes contact, numbing me. Anticipation grows, knowledge managing to rise above pleasure for just a moment.
He gives me no warning, striking fast and furiously. His snout opens over the spot where my neck meets my shoulder. It encompasses my shoulder, all the way down to my right breast. The feeling of his teeth shredding my skin should blot out the pleasure I feel but it only adds to it. The pistoning of his hips speeds up as he deepens his bite.
I resist the fog of pleasure that threatens to drag me down into its depths, wanting to see. Needing to see. His eyes shift color so rapidly that I can hardly keep up. Savage noises vibrate against my ruined flesh, just a mumble at first until I can finally make out his words. “My mate,” is on repeat as he thrusts a few more times before stilling inside of me.
My own climax is right there, I am teetering on the edge. When he stops thrusting, I want to scream in frustration, but it is short lived. A fluttering sensation starts deep inside of me, making my eyes widen at the foreign yet pleasurable feeling. His impossibly large cocks are growing bigger, sealing us together so that every movement makes me want to pass out from sensory overload.
Whining, I shift slightly to relieve the pressure. A gasp is torn from me when he snarls, pinning me in place. Another twitch of his shafts and they expand further. It is a fullness I have never experienced before. For a moment, confusion clears the haze of pleasure. When I am almost at the peak of my endurance, he snarls again and then warmth floods my core. His cocks twitch in tandem as he releases, his cum scalding hot against my over-sensitized inner muscles.
My own climax hits me like an inferno of sensations, ripped from me by the heat and movement of his own release. Lights explode behind my eyes, shutting me off from anything but the ecstasy coursing through my veins. My inner muscles clench around his swollen shafts and I finally let the oblivion of pleasure claim me.
Chapter Twenty
I know the moment that Reggie succumbs to the pleasure of our mating. Her name feels like its own kind of pleasure as it runs through my mind. My translator has finally figured out how to fit the sounds together correctly. It seems almost fitting that it happened during our first joining.
Gently, so as to not wake her, I pull back from her shoulder. Wincing at the wounds left behind, I use my saliva to close the worst of them. They will leave scars. A physical mark of our mating, of my claim upon her. She is beautiful. We do not deserve her. My inner beast murmurs, our thoughts harmonious for the first time since my birth.
Closing my eyes, I absorb the wonder of it all. Gone is the constant itch inside of my mind, the need to maim and destroy. It was like living with a swarm of Earth bees inside of my mind and now it is gone. His whole focus is on our mate, working with me instead of against me. It is something I only ever dreamed of. To have it come to fruition is beyond my wildest imagination. And I owe it all to her.
Murmuring quietly, she tries to turn over. Quickly I grab her, pulling her into my chest so that she can’t move away. The hidden spikes in my cocks have anchored us together. Until they flatten, we are stuck. During sex it feels like swelling. Afterwards she would feel horrendous pain if we were to be separated before they flattened. A shudder of revulsion runs through me at the thought of hurting her in such an intimate manner.
My sweet Reggie. My love and devotion for my mate fills my hearts. Closing my eyes I pull her close enough to bury my snout into her hair, inhaling the scent that is uniquely her. A scent that now holds part of me within it. Any male that crosses paths with her scent would know that she is claimed. That a male protects her. Satisfaction fills me, fed by the baser instincts of my beast. The need to let all know who she belongs to.
A glowing light distracts me, enough so that I crack open my eyes, ready to face any threat. Instead, I am struck by awe and wonder. My true color. I worried in the darkest parts of my mind that I would never experience this with a human mate. The tips of all my spikes and sails are glowing. A vibrant, brilliant green. A perfect match to her stunning eyes. Eyes that haunt my every waking moment. The eyes of my one true mate.
We are one. We owe her everything. I couldn’t agree with him more. Our joining doesn’t just bring me inner peace. It enhances my every sense, making me stronger, faster and better in every sense of the word. Sounds and smells bombard me from every angle. I can hear the beating hearts of my own kind, three of them roving the neighborhood. Close enough to hear but far enough away to provide privacy.
I can hear the creaking of the home we are in, as well as the sounds that Floofy makes scouring the neighborhood for food. All of these senses are honed for one reason. Keeping Reggie safe. I will not let her down. We will get her sister the medicine. Once that is done, we have our whole lives ahead of us. Her world may have changed but I can offer her a new one. A better one. A world where we are together. Forever.
When she gives another pained wiggle, I can’t help but grin. I can admit, if only to myself, that I don’t quite want my spikes to go down. I would remain connected to her for the rest of eternity if I could, but my mate is a stubborn female. She has her own heart and mind, a strong combination. She may say she is alright with me taking care of her, but she also takes care of me. Our size difference doesn’t stop her.
Earlier when she stormed forward to confront Talnag on my behalf, I couldn’t help the swelling of my hearts. Love for the little spitfire nearly overwhelmed me. She is strong. Incredibly so and I can only thank the gods that I was chosen to be her mate. To get to experience life through the lens of her determination. Her devotion to those she loves is her driving force, and I wouldn’t change that for the world.
On one hand, I would love to lock her away in a safe place so that nothing can touch her. On the other hand, that would destroy my little mate and I cannot do that to her. She would wither and die in spirit even though her body was still alive. No, I will love her as she is. I will be her strong arm of safety so that she may experience the world in whatever way she pleases. As exhaustion overcomes me, I resolve to not let anything sway me.
Morning tests that resolve. As much as I want to lay in bed and mate with Reggie, the others are not willing to wait. She has barely opened her eyes before I can hear them outside the house. Reggie hears them too, waking far too quickly for my liking. I wanted to hold her as she awakened but now, I am watching as she shyly dresses in a new outfit, a blush coloring her beautiful face.
“Come on lazy bones, get out of bed. We have to get going.” She whispers to me, another blush tingeing her cheeks. Instead of responding, I climb to my feet to tower over her. She looks up at me trustingly with those gorgeous eyes, eyes that heat my blood and make my cocks swell at just the sight of them.
“I’d much rather stay in bed and rut until the sun disappears from the sky. I have barely begun to worship at the altar of your body, eternity will not be nearly enough.” I murmur, running a claw down her throat to the offending fabric that covers her delightful breasts. A feature that females of my own kind do not have, but that I am quickly realizing I am obsessed with. Her mouth pops open in shock and the perfume of her arousal fills the air.
My eyes roll back in my head as I lean back and sniff the air, taking it into my lungs like the most precious air. One taste of her is not enough. My beast has been tamed but my lust has been unleashed.