Page 26 of Ragnar

“What is your motivation for telling us this?” I demand, needing to vent my frustration and anger in any way that I can. Regreee places a calming hand on my leg. Talnag’s expression closes off in an instant.

“Guilt mostly. You are taking the fall for being the first successful mate bond because I was a coward. My mate is human, and she is behind the damned walls. Your fate is mine. Your questions are my own. If I let your bond be threatened, then I would never feel safe with my own.” Talnag growls, a vibration rumbling out of him to shake the ground.

Chapter Eighteen


I didn’t think living in a world full of monsters could get any weirder. Jinxed my damn self with that one. Looking at the blue version of Ragnar is giving me the creeps and I can’t help but compare them. Finding their similarities helps to calm the quiet panic that makes my heart want to burst out of my chest. Talnag is an impressive specimen from a visual standpoint. His dark blue scales catch the eye and contrast with his opalescent eyes. His sails are taller than Ragnar’s but their spiked tips aren’t quite as long.

He is also riddled with scars. A particularly nasty one cuts through one of his eyes. Ragnar is lithe and muscular whereas Talnag is a beefed-up monstrosity. One that has clearly seen his fair share of conflict. Subtly I move closer to Ragnar, seeking safety in his shadow. It is a cowardly thing to do, but faced with literal giants I will wear the title of coward proudly.

The old me would have cringed at cowering. She didn’t live in a world of things ten times her size though. A shiver runs down my spine at the thought of the Nagas. It doesn’t take a genius to guess why they are after us. Not after my mate turned one of them into literal mush.

“They want blood for blood. You killed that one in the first store we ever went to. Your blood was all over the place as well.” I mutter, knowing both can hear me despite the squeak in my voice. How far I have fallen, from a gun-toting badass to whatever this is. And I don’t even feel bad about it. Although I pat my waist to check that I still have my gun. The weapon still provides a small measure of comfort, it is just useless in the grand scheme of things.

“You killed one of their kind?” Talnag questions, tilting his head so that he can see around Ragnar.

“I didn’t. Ragnar did.” I respond, blushing with the obviousness of it. Of course he did. I would have been its lunch. After it fucked me. Another shiver of fear skitters down my spine.

“No wonder they are so angry. Nagas are territorial creatures. You interloped into their territory and killed one of their own.” Talnag’s voice is full of censure, his gaze landing on Ragnar with disappointment. My skin prickles with anger. How dare he be so condescending when he has no idea what drove us into that store to begin with. Anger makes me foolish, storming forwards to face him head on.

“Don’t be an ass. Ragnar only went into that building because of me. My sister is sick and needs medicine. I’ve been searching for it for days.” I all but growl, uncaring of our size difference now. A gentle vibration rattles through me, reminiscent of a laugh. Tipping my head back, I look up to see Ragnar grinning down at me.

“Sheath your claws, little mate. I am deserving of his censure. I knew it was dangerous, but I didn’t wish to disappoint you. Saving your sister was and is important to you. I would have moved the heavens and earth to help you.” His voice is rumbly, followed by another vibration. Uncaring of Talnag’s curious eyes, I stand on tiptoes and kiss the underside of Ragnar’s jaw.

“We have found what we need, and I owe that all to you. Thank you, Ragnar.” I can’t help getting choked up. Without him, my sister would have been left at the mercy of infection. I can’t predict the future, but with the three bags worth of supplies that I have gathered, she should be in the clear. It isn’t all medicine. New clothes for all of us, soaps, a few canned goods that weren’t expired and any tools we might need.

“Sisters? There are more of you? Unprotected females are unheard of. Just where did you come from?” Talnag demands, his curiosity winning out as he shifts closer. Ragnar releases a warning growl when Talnag gets too close.

“I live about five or six miles out of the city. My parents built a doomsday bunker when I was just a child. My father was always convinced the world would end one day. Turns out he was right, and we have lived there ever since.” Homesickness hits me like a ton of bricks at the mention of my sisters followed by a pang of grief for my parents. It feels weird going so long without seeing them. How would they react to Ragnar?

“Your sister is sick?” Again, Talnag gives into his curiosity.

“She cut her arm open in an accident. We didn’t think it was a terribly bad wound at first, but as time passed and it didn’t get better we began to worry. We very quickly went through our stash of medicine. It wasn’t enough. That is why we are out here, to get more.” I turn slightly so he can see one of the bags strapped to my back. Ragnar has the others tied to spikes along his back.

“I do not suggest waiting too long then. You are hunted and they get closer every day. I can help protect you for now, but I cannot leave the city. My beast demands I stay as close to my mate as I can.” Talnag’s voice turns sad at the end and my own curiosity is piqued.

“Does she know that you are mates? Is that why she ran?” I ask, wincing at how invasive my questions might sound. It isn’t every day that I encounter another monster/human pair. The desire to know everything is strong, even if our time here is limited.

“No. She doesn’t.” Talnag bites out, clearly not wishing to speak of it.

“We will leave in the morning. It is too risky to travel by night. If we are being hunted as you say, then we will need to wait until daytime. Making a mad dash through the night will only get us killed.” Ragnar says, saving me from the awkward pause that follows my question.

“You will not be safe, even here. The two of us cannot overcome an entire army of Naga, nor the others that are drawn by her scent. You need to mark her.” Talnag growls, his opaque eyes assessing me.

“I will do nothing until she is ready.” Ragnar snarls back, his hackles rising in agitation.

“Is she ready to watch you die? Every beast within ten miles has smelt her scent. Yours does nothing to mask it. It isn’t only the snakes that are drawn to you both. Claim her and it will make her safe. Waiting is a weakness. Do not make the mistakes I did.” Talnag jumps forward, snout pressed up against Ragnar’s aggressively. To his credit, Ragnar doesn’t even flinch, his sails raising to match energy.

Fear slithers beneath my skin and I can’t quite shake his words. The thought of Ragnar dying makes me want to vomit. We have only been together for a short period of time, but it feels like a lifetime. I can hardly remember a time without him in it, he is written in my very DNA.

“How will I get him killed? What do you mean?” I demand, uncaring that they are both posturing for a fight.

“Not. Another. Word.” Ragnar grits out, his tone deepening with his rage.

“She has a right to know. What have you not told her?” Talnag taunts, something wild entering his gaze.

“So, tell me!” I shout, ignoring Ragnar’s glare. “Tell me everything you wish you had the guts to tell your own mate.” My words have the desired effect. Talnag whirls away from Ragnar and centers his violent gaze on me.