“You need help.” Febe finally turned around and faced Cherish’s desk. “Where’s—”
“I took her home hours ago. Well, first I took her to get a shot.”
Febe sucked in her cheeks. “A shot?”
“Her migraine was awful. I wasn’t even going to let her drive home, but it was bad enough I just took her to urgent care, and she walked right in.”
“That’s the third time in the last two weeks.”
“Third?” Haylee’s eyes bugged out. She hadn’t realized Cherish’s headaches had been that bad.
Febe nodded slightly, touching her hand to Haylee’s arm. “Thank you for taking care of her. I’ll call her later today. Let me—”
“—deal with Allegra?” Haylee finished for her when she realized Febe was hesitating.
“Yes. Then we’ll make the calls and talk.”
“Fine,” Haylee muttered, though she still wasn’t sure she wanted to talk about it. She’d been so caught up in her project, in shifting roles within the company, that she hadn’t paid attention to Cherish. Whatever had come between them, that didn’t mean Haylee stopped caring about Cherish’s welfare.
Haylee was two calls deep when Allegra finally left the office, her hair and clothes back in place. She sent Haylee a brilliant grin as she pushed her way through the door and tossed a See you Monday over her shoulder. Haylee had nearly forgotten about that scheduled meeting.
She spent the next hour making calls and rescheduling clients that wanted a temporary therapist, but her frustration levels were increasing since she had no answers for anyone. Febe came out, standing in her office doorway and crossing her arms as she pinned Haylee with a serious look.
“I think that’s enough for tonight. We can do the rest tomorrow.”
“Cherish and I can finish it up.”
“Cherish won’t be in tomorrow.” Febe pointed at Haylee purposely. “My office. Now.”
She really wasn’t getting out of this one. Haylee slowly pushed herself up from the office chair and walked around the desk toward Febe’s office. She felt like she was walking to her doom. Then again, she did have the upper hand now.
Haylee left the door open as she stepped inside, and she remained standing, wanting to have the power on her side. She crossed her arms and glared.
“What happened earlier was inappropriate,” Febe said, sitting on the edge of her desk and crossing her arms.
“You shagging the executive director of the nonprofit you fund or me walking in on it?”
Febe’s lips parted in surprise, her eyes widening. She ducked her chin slightly. “I deserved that.”
“You do. Look, I get that you’re single, and I’m assuming she’s single, but what you’re doing is wrong.” Haylee tapped her foot against the floor. “You’re going to hurt her.”
“Allegra and I have been moving in this direction for a while now. This isn’t a surprise—”
“Not Allegra,” Haylee ground out. “And if I have to tell you that, then I gave you way more credit than you deserve.”
“Cherish will understand.”
“She won’t!” Haylee’s voice rose, her heart in her throat. She wasn’t going to let Febe continue to take advantage of her. “She’s absolutely in love with you. How are you that ignorant?”
“I’m not.” Febe’s lips pressed together thinning. “I’m not, but she’s not in love with me, Haylee. At one point, maybe, but not now.”
Haylee snorted loudly. “You’re full of it.”
“Look, Cherish and I have a long history, and with that history comes complicated relationships. I dated her older brother for years, all through high school.”
“You’re bi?”