“You were right,” Cherish answered, her hands shaking as she took her drink.
Febe released a breath, a smile blooming on her lips. Cherish longed for that smile to be aimed at her, but there was a distance even now between them. Cherish hated it. Was Stuart right that she was the cause of it?
“We need to talk.”
Febe’s words stung. Those words never meant anything good. Cherish held her ground, masking any hurt or discomfort. But Febe had known her all her life. There was nothing she could hide. Febe’s face fell, and she stepped in close, wrapping a hand along Cherish’s elbow to hold onto her.
“Sometimes, Cherish, it’s good to move forward. No matter how hard it is.”
Was Febe implying that Cherish’s crush needed to be done with? That she had to move on and leave? Find a new job because this just wasn’t working anymore?
“Cherry.” Febe dropped her voice, as if realizing the chaos she’d just thrown Cherish into. “I’m talking about me.”
“Oh. Oh!” Cherish blinked wildly. “Okay.” Biting her lip, Cherish looked over Febe’s shoulder toward the bathrooms, finding Haylee walking out of them. A lightness grew in her chest, one she wasn’t ready to recognize just yet.
“I don’t want to be the person I was last year.”
What was she supposed to say to that? Cherish fully supported Febe in whatever she decided, but was Febe wanting to change everything about who she was? Because if that was the case… Who was she? Cherish focused back on Febe. “That’s probably a good thing.”
“Yeah.” Febe smiled again, her gaze flicking from Cherish toward the table Cherish had been sitting at. Then she turned to look at Haylee. Her smile brightened as she faced Cherish again. “Don’t you ever feel like that? Like you just need something new and exciting in your life?”
Cherish thrived in routine and normalcy. Change disrupted those things, and it always threw her into a tailspin. Welcome to why she hadn’t just said yes to having sex with Haylee yet. What was she supposed to do with all of that? Keeping everything status quo was for the best.
“I need that. I need a fresh start.” Febe’s hand was back on Cherish’s elbow, heat from her fingers seeping into Cherish’s skin.
But Cherish wasn’t thinking about Febe touching her. It was the smooth caresses from Haylee, the soft way Cherish had stroked Haylee’s arm in the limo, the tender hand on Cherish’s knee under the table that night. When Cherish blinked and looked Febe directly in the eye, she knew she’d been caught with her mind wandering.
“Wouldn’t you like something like that?”
Shaking her head, Cherish stayed her ground. However, the distance between them increased even more. What was happening? It shouldn’t be like this. They had been the best of friends for years. Cherish had moved out here because Febe had asked. And yet… Cherish trailed off on that thought. Yet now Febe was wanting to move on from this?
“I think healing is a good thing, Ms. Aarts.” Cherish bit her tongue. She was choosing her words so carefully, yet she didn’t feel like she was saying anything at all.
Febe clicked her tongue. “We’re not talking as boss and employee, Cherry. We’re talking as friends.”
So they were still friends. Cherish’s heart clenched at that. She found Haylee across the room, their eyes locking. Cherish wished Haylee was there—maybe she could help interpret what was going on, because Cherish was so lost. And she was never this clueless when it came to Febe.
“I want you to be happy, Cherry. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.”
“I’m happy.” The words sounded hollow, even to her ears. But she wanted them to be true. She’d always wanted that. But she’d dragged herself to the city when she was a country girl. She’d masqueraded for years in Portland when she was barely even farm chic back home. And Febe hadn’t noticed her any more than before.
“I really hope you’re not just saying that.” Febe cupped Cherish’s cheek then let her hand drop. “You deserve love like I’ve found.”
Deserving it wasn’t in debate. Cherish didn’t want it. But no one would ever hear that argument. They couldn’t understand it. Nodding succinctly, Cherish rolled her shoulders. “I’m glad this year went better than last.”
“Yes. I’d say this was quite a success. We’ll have to have lunch with Allegra to celebrate soon.”
“I’ll get it scheduled.”
“Please do.” Febe smiled, but this time she was looking beyond Cherish.
Turning, Cherish found Haylee at their table. She looked concerned. Cherish held her hand up, hoping to ease whatever Haylee was worried about, but she wasn’t sure the communication was effective.
“Have fun tonight. There’s no reason to hold back.” Febe touched her arm lightly as she walked away, leaving a wake of tension.