Cherish met Haylee’s eyes for a moment before closing her own and leaning against the seat. It was now or never, and she needed to tell Haylee what was going on. “Febe was married.”
“I assumed as much since she has a grandkid, so I’m not sure why that’s such a big deal.”
She’d told Haylee she would share after the gala, but what difference did now or later make? Cherish bit her lip, needing to find the best way to share this.
“Okay.” Haylee shifted in her seat, their shoulders just brushing. “Continue.”
Cherish relaxed. This was Haylee, and despite their ups and downs, she did trust Haylee with this. It was time Haylee knew everything. “A few years ago now. Bernie was amazing.”
“Bernie?” Haylee’s eyes shone as she connected the dots. She really was insanely intelligent, and Cherish couldn’t believe it had taken her this long to realize just how incredible Haylee was.
“Yeah. Bernie was a friend to me, and she was the love of Febe’s life. She was so different—independent, strong willed, brilliant—but they worked so well. They fit and complemented each other like I’ve never seen in a couple before, or since. And I’ve never seen Febe so happy.” Relief washed through her. Cherish had kept this in for so long, and it was amazing to finally be able to share it with someone—someone who might also understand.
“You’ve known Febe for a long time.” It wasn’t a question, but Cherish couldn’t blame Haylee for wanting to know details.
“Yeah.” She smiled. “We grew up together.”
Haylee reached for Cherish’s hand and snagged it, sliding their fingers together in a tight, comfortably grasp. “You really need to give a girl a warning before you start dropping all these truth bombs.”
Cherish chuckled, and the sound faded into a silence that both wrapped around her and pulled at the pain within.
“Something happened, didn’t it?” Haylee’s words were so soft that if Cherish hadn’t already been hyperaware of the woman she might even have missed them.
“Yeah.” Cherish didn’t know how to say it or even where to start. For a moment, all of the years of holding back to help keep Febe’s head above the water washed over her and threatened to drown her on the spot.
“It’s okay. I don’t need to know.”
“But what if I want to tell you? What if I need to?” Cherish hadn’t meant to say that second question, but it was the real one she wanted answered. For so long she had lived as the barrier between this pain and the world, and it was exhausting. She wasn’t sure she wanted to do it anymore.
“Then I’m here to listen.” Haylee turned more fully to look Cherish in the eye.
“The Holbrook Foundation is named after Bernadette Holbrook. It was Bernie’s dream. A foundation that focuses on helping young mothers who don’t have the support they need. Single women who just want to raise their family and thrive.” Why was she so close to crying? Cherish held back as best as she could, fighting herself to finally let everything loose.
“She sounds amazing. I wish I had met her.”
“Yeah, that would have been nice.” With the hand not gripping to Haylee’s, Cherish wiped beneath her eyes the tears that had escaped.
“You liked Bernie.”
“I loved her. She was one of my best friends.”
“Even though…” Haylee’s head was bowed.
When Cherish looked over at her, wondering where Haylee’s words had disappeared, she saw the concern etched in the side of Haylee’s face.
“Even though what?” Cherish softened her voice as much as the emotions rolling inside of her allowed.
“Even though you have a crush on Febe? Or has that only happened since?”
“Oh.” Cherish laughed, surprising both of them if Haylee’s startled look was anything to go by. “I was jealous as hell, at least at the start. But…” Cherish took a deep breath and leaned heavier against the seat, “…once I saw them together, saw how she treated Febe, and got to know her, there was no way I couldn’t fall in love with the two of them together.”
“And what about now?”
“What do you mean?” Cherish’s mind was all ablaze with the emotions she wasn’t used to feeling, let alone expressing.
“Oh.” Haylee’s eyes were wide open, surprise and something else lingering that Cherish couldn’t identify. “Nothing. It’s okay.”
“I like you, Haylee.” Cherish gently pulled on Haylee’s hand so their bodies pressed up against one another.