Page 48 of Love and Cherish

“And I’m not the one treating her like she might break.” Stuart’s voice was so calm it was infuriating.

“You have no idea what it’s like.” Cherish rarely raised that wall to her brother. The one that protected her from getting hurt. She couldn’t remember the last time she had shown him her icy facade, but she wouldn’t let herself be broken, not even for him. “You haven’t been here.”

Cherish hung up without a goodbye.

The phone rang four times, and each time she ignored it, sending Stuart’s call to voicemail. Eventually a text came through.

Stuart: Just think about what I said.

Then another.

Stuart: I love you.

Stuart: Both of you.


Haylee stuttered when a bombshell of a woman walked into the office. Her hair was long, a perfect shade of brown and golden highlights, her skin kissed by the non-existent sun in Portland. Her eyes were a bright hazel, greens coming out because of the dark green jacket that she wore. She popped open the button on her jacket as she eyed Haylee over, her face set in a serious look.

But under it all, Haylee detected a hint that this woman was willing to talk to anyone.

“You must be Haylee.” Her voice was like smooth wine on a warm night at the beach. Precise in her sounds but gentle and lulling.

“Uh…yeah.” Haylee’s stomach twisted. Fuck, she was stunning. And if Haylee wasn’t so wrapped up in Cherish, she would absolutely be flirting right now instead of feeling this swarm of guilt eating away at her for daring to look at another woman.

“Is she in yet? I know I’m a bit early.”

Haylee shook her head slowly, at a loss for words. She had to swallow the lump in her throat. “You’re Allegra Ilic.” The realization sank in her slowly, the dead weight pulling her down. She’d forgotten that was this morning. She’d meant to mention it to Cherish so that she could be prepared, but when Febe had asked her to contact Allegra, she’d done her job and then got lost in her daydream of kissing Cherish against every hard surface she could find in the office.

“I am.” Allegra’s cheeks pinked.

“The first time I read your name, I thought it was pronounced I lick. Cherish wasn’t amused.” Haylee’s cheeks burned. She couldn’t believe she’d just said that out loud. She slapped her hand across her mouth and cringed. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry.”

Allegra laughed, the trill of her voice echoing through the main office and warming Haylee even more. Allegra shook her head and put her hand out, her lips curled with joy. “Don’t be embarrassed. I hear that one a lot. It’s an odd name.”

“I can’t believe I said that.”

Allegra was still laughing, her eyes squinted. She wasn’t this big scary person that Febe and Cherish had made her out to be. In fact, she came off as being someone so down to earth that Haylee would love to sit in a coffee shop with her and pick her brain.

“I’m so glad you did! Most people just brush it off with small comments, but I know what they’re thinking.” Allegra wiped her fingers under her eyes. “This is perfect. I was so worried coming up here today.”

“Why?” Haylee leaned back in her chair, wanting desperately to change the subject of the conversation.

Allegra blew out a breath. “It’s no secret that Ms. Aarts has struggles with me and the Holbrook Foundation.”

“I heard about the gala last year. Kind of.” Haylee folded her arms across her chest. “I imagine she’s quite embarrassed about it.” Haylee bit her cheek. She probably shouldn’t have said that. Cherish would have her head if she was here, but something about Allegra just pulled that information from her.

“Oh, no doubt.” Allegra winced slightly. “But Febe is brilliant, and she has a heart of gold under all that ice. I’m sure of it.”

Haylee wrinkled her forehead. Maybe Allegra Ilic knew Febe Aarts a little better than she’d thought originally. Still, Febe wasn’t going to take kindly to this meeting, and she was going to need some extra TLC when she was done with it. Haylee should make sure to have coffee ready and maybe even a little sweet treat for Febe to taste afterward.

“You don’t believe me?” Allegra pinned Haylee with a serious look.

“I don’t know Ms. Aarts well enough to say one way or the other. I haven’t worked here very long.”

“You haven’t?” Allegra shifted, undoing the buttons on her jacket and pulling it off to fold it over her arm.
