Page 44 of Love and Cherish

“I only gave you some pointers. You’re the one doing the work.” Cherish met Haylee’s eyes and relief flooded through her.

No. Not relief.


Haylee took a step, closing the gap between them as the printer whirred, the scent of hot paper filling Haylee’s nostrils. “Maybe.” The word came out as little more than a whisper.

“No, ma…” Cherish stuttered and sucked in a sharp breath. She shook her head like she was trying to clear it and pushed her shoulders back. “No maybe about it.”

Haylee was close enough to touch now, close enough to lean in and press their mouths together. She dropped her gaze to Cherish’s lips, the muted pink color she used, the V of her shirt that Haylee could definitely see down now. Haylee’s entire body hummed as if it were finally alive. Haylee shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts, but only one thing reached her tongue. “I want to kiss you again.”

“Oh.” Cherish’s smile was slow to grace her lips, but her shoulders relaxed and her eyes glittered. She whispered, “Me too.”

As soon as the words escaped Cherish’s mouth, Haylee moved the last step and leaned in as close as she could. “Are you sure?”

Cherish pulled her lip between her teeth, her cheeks still rosy, that tint that Haylee swore was now arousal matching hers instead of embarrassment. Cherish fluttered her fingers against Haylee’s cheek, curling them to cup the side of her face tentatively.

Was she scared of this?

“Yes,” Cherish answered confidently. “I haven’t stopped thinking about it.”

Haylee claimed Cherish’s mouth for her own. Cherish reacted instantly, opening and tracing her tongue along Haylee’s bottom lip. Haylee moaned into the touch and deepened the kiss between them.

Cherish’s hands splayed over Haylee’s hips, gripping slightly, and she pulled Haylee into her as they continued to kiss, their bodies moving until Cherish’s back pressed up against the office printer.

Haylee ignored the unimpressed machine as some part of Cherish pressed up against buttons. The machine squealed and squawked, but she continued the embrace. She couldn’t stop. Haylee pressed her hands to Cherish’s shoulder blades, nails threatening to dig through the silk shirt that hung on her, accentuating all her curves to goddess level.

Sliding her hands down Cherish’s sides, Haylee kept their mouths locked together. Cherish hid so much of herself, every day. Haylee just wanted to find out who she was under all of this. Those small hints she’d gotten were a balm to the chaos that was this office. Groaning, Haylee nipped Cherish’s lower lip and debated whether or not to kiss her neck or the tops of her breasts next.

Haylee slid her thigh between Cherish’s legs and pressed in hard.

“No.” Cherish’s shift of hands and slight pressure against Haylee’s shoulders was enough for Haylee to instantly step back. She didn’t want to, but she would never push anyone to do something they weren’t comfortable with.

Haylee’s breath was ragged as she shuffled a little farther back, allowing Cherish to stand up properly and straighten her clothes.

“I’m sorry, I—” Cherish wouldn’t look at her.

“Please.” Haylee lifted her hands, hoping her unsatiated lust didn’t shine too hungrily from her eyes. “Please don’t ever apologize for not wanting something. I get it.”

“I’m just not…I’m not completely comfortable with all of this.” Cherish waved her hand between the two of them, and Haylee noticed the small tremble in her fingers. “Not—not yet.”

“Not yet?” Haylee couldn’t help the grin, and Cherish, red cheeked, nodded a little.

“Not yet.”

“I’ll wait since it’s not yet.” Haylee winked. “You lead. I’ll follow.”

“Haylee…” Cherish blew out a breath.

“Cherish? Haylee?” Febe’s voice was a bucket of ice water thrown on both of them.

Haylee jerked with a start, looking Cherish over quickly and realizing she wasn’t fit to walk out into the main office. “I got this one.”

Haylee left Cherish with a slide of fingers against Cherish’s upper arm and stepped into the main office. Febe stared at her oddly, her brow furrowed.

“I…” Febe stopped short, her gaze dropping over Haylee’s body before she gave a slight shake of her head. “I expect this office to never be unoccupied during working hours.”

That was a chastisement if ever she’d heard one. And it wasn’t like she and Cherish were out of the office, but they certainly hadn’t been paying attention to the phones or who was coming in either. “Yes, Ms. Aarts.”