Page 35 of Love and Cherish

“What?” Cherish froze, the color draining from her cheeks. “What are you talking about?”

“Cherish, you have a crush on our boss.” Haylee stared at her directly, her gaze unwavering. Is that what this whole shebang was about? Was Cherish finally going to admit it?

“I don’t like Ms. Aarts in that way.” Cherish’s tone was back to the icy veneer it had been yesterday.

Interesting. Haylee had clearly struck a nerve, one that she wanted to know more about. However, she was definitely going to have to tread carefully through this minefield. “Sure you don’t.” So much for being careful.

“I admire her, yes. She’s an amazing boss, and she has done amazing things with the companies and businesses she runs.” Cherish played with the stem of her wine glass, obviously using it as a distraction. “She can be hard at times, but it’s because she knows what’s best.”

“I’m sure that’s the only reason you hang on every word of hers.” Haylee gave in and waved the waiter down, ordering herself another glass of wine. In for a penny.

“I don’t—”

“I dare say, Cherish.” Haylee crossed her arms, purposely pushing her breasts up to see if she could get Cherish’s attention. “You doth protest too much.”

Cherish choked. “I don’t think that’s the actual phrase.”

“It’s close enough. The meaning gets across.” Haylee caught Cherish’s gaze dropping to her breasts, lingering there, and then lifting to meet Haylee’s direct stare. Oh yes, this was going to be good. “Do you know what makes Febe a good businesswoman?”

“She’s smart.”

“She is, but it’s more than that.” Haylee sucked in a breath. “She’s willing to take risks, Cherish. Which is something you aren’t willing to do. Ever.”

“That’s not…” Cherish stopped talking, a frown forming on her full lips. It was utterly adorable, and Haylee wanted nothing more than to lean in and kiss her. “You know what? You’re right. I don’t take risks.”

“But you did move here from…where are you from again?”

Cherish wrinkled her nose. “A small town in Idaho, north of Coeur d’Alene.”

“Really?” Haylee thanked the waiter and took a long sip of her wine. “Never would have guessed that.” It was another lie. She had pegged Cherish for not being a city girl the moment they met. Idaho—that had been the surprise. But she wasn’t about to clarify what she’d meant.

“Where are you from?”

“Portland. Born and raised, baby.” Haylee chinked their wine glasses together. “I’ve never lived anywhere else. Traveled? Yes. But this is where my roots are.”

Cherish nodded slowly. “I didn’t mean to be such a bitch yesterday.”

Haylee sucked in a sharp breath. Did Cherish really think her behavior was that bad? Had it ruined Haylee’s day? Sure, but it wasn’t like Cherish had made her feel so bad that she hadn’t shown up that morning. She’d thought about it, but it wasn’t that bad. Jackson had proven that to her. Haylee grabbed Cherish’s hand, folding their fingers together tightly. “You weren’t a bitch.”

“Don’t lie. I expect better from you.”

“Cherish…” Haylee waited until she had eye contact with the other woman. “You weren’t a bitch yesterday. You were just as thrown off by what happened as I was. We all were. I think in this case we all deserve some grace, don’t you?”

Cherish’s eyes were glued to their hands, her cheeks tinging pink, her lower lip pulled between her teeth as she sucked on it. She looked so vulnerable at that moment, indecisive and confused. Haylee wanted nothing more than to wrap Cherish in a hug and pull Cherish tight against her chest. “How can you give me so much grace with mistakes, but you can’t do the same for yourself?”


How had Cherish pegged her so well?

“I mean…you’re good at your job, Haylee. We all make mistakes, even Ms. Aarts. You should forgive yourself for this one.”

Haylee’s mouth went dry. Her fingers trembled as she reached for her wine glass to wet her lips and tongue, but Cherish didn’t let go of her other hand, holding tightly. What was happening? Cherish had denied liking Febe, although Haylee was damn sure she pegged that one. Her cheeks flushed at that thought.

“Come on.” Cherish tugged Haylee’s hand sharply. “Let’s go.”

“Go?” Haylee frowned but found that Cherish had already paid for their meal. She chugged the last of her wine before standing up, Cherish’s hand still folded in hers. What was happening? This wasn’t a date, was it?

Cherish led her through the restaurant and outside, a light misty rain falling and making everything wet. Including Haylee. She grimaced at that thought, but the sweet attention that Cherish had been giving her all night, the touches, the vulnerabilities she had witnessed had done more for her in the last two hours than any date she’d been on in the last three years.