“Are you telling me you’re one of them, Cherry?” Febe’s slip back into the realm of their friendship, into names that existed before this company, threatened to throw Cherish entirely off balance.
Which was exactly what Febe had wanted.
She wanted Cherish to go back to being her lapdog. The person who agreed with her every word and decision, the person who idolized her and never second-guessed or questioned. Febe didn’t even want her to be the friend who had stood by her, been there for her. Febe didn’t want the one who had witnessed her wedding or been the first phone call when Bernie had died. She didn’t want a friend—she wanted a lackey.
Fury like none other boiled up and tasted like bile at the back of her throat.
“No, Ms. Aarts.” Cherish forced her hands to uncurl and straightened her arms at her sides. A herculean effort she should be applauded for. “I wouldn’t know a thing about what you do or do not have passion for anymore.”
Cherish turned, time dragging through every second before she finally reached the door. What had she just done? What had she just ruined?
“Cherry.” Febe’s voice was soft, hints of the friend she once knew threaded through the name.
“Yes, Ms. Aarts?” She didn’t dare turn around. She didn’t dare to see what pain or hurt she had inflicted. Or worse, to see no impact at all written on her face. Because as soon as she saw Febe’s face, she was going to crumble at her feet.
“I’ll give her another chance, but she has to show some passion. Passion for the actual proposal, not just anger and a hyper-intensity. I need to know she cares about the people, not just her own plans for using my company as a steppingstone to reach some personal career goal.”
Cherish’s chest tightened so hard she could barely breathe deep enough to stop spots from forming in her vision. Words were beyond her capability. Hell, acknowledging Febe was beyond her at this moment.
Cherish twisted the handle in her palm.
“Cherry.” Febe halted, her voice hitching. The only sign that Cherish had done something. “I do have passion still.”
Before a sob could escape, Cherish finished turning the handle and left the dim office. The pure bliss of freedom disappeared as the bright light in the main foyer caused a stab of pain to spear through her head. She couldn’t handle this. She couldn’t be this person who followed Febe around like a lost little puppy.
She’d destroyed her already fraying friendship. And all for what?
Some girl.
She was so stupid.
Febe had seemed to appreciate her honesty and her openness and the friendship. Had Cherish been blind all this time? Had she ever been more than a boost for Febe’s ego? Someone to get shit done because Febe didn’t want to?
Taking a deep breath, Cherish focused on the more pressing matter at hand. She had to face Haylee. Because the decision had already been made. Cherish was going to stand with Haylee instead of Febe. She’d chosen the girl. If Haylee’s tone toward Cherish had been anything to go by, she would not be given a warm welcome.
How could the morning have started out with her feeling so alive and free, only now for her to fear the very idea of opening her eyes? Mustering all the strength she could scrape together, Cherish let out a small whimper of relief.
The office was empty.
But it was also very cold.
On trembling legs, Cherish walked to her desk, her mind racing and her head pounding behind her eyes. She snagged her migraine medication out of the desk drawer and dry swallowed four pills. Steadying her breathing, she collected herself before she sat heavily at her desk and turned on her computer. She had work to do.
An email from Haylee sent her heart pounding.
“Don’t quit. Please, don’t quit,” Cherish mumbled beneath her breath. A wild sort of uncontrollable chuckle tickled up her throat. But she refused to let it loose.
How things had changed. How she had changed.
She clicked the email.
I’m going to lunch early.
The chuckle escaped Cherish’s mouth as a tear slid over her cheeks. She wasn’t going to be left alone in here again. She didn’t have to face Febe by herself. No matter what, she would have Haylee with her still, even if their relationship was strained.
What the hell was happening?