Page 62 of Love and Cherish

“Excellent.” Cherish’s fingers on Haylee’s bare back made her jump and gasp. Cherish’s reaction was a deep throaty chuckle as she moved her hands higher inside of Haylee’s blouse. When moments later, the tension in her bra slackened and her large breasts all but sighed with relief, Haylee chuckled.

“Rather skilled at that, aren’t we?” There. She was back. The teasing tone in her voice, the ground beneath her feet. This was real. Cherish was pressed against her, hands on her skin, nothing was stopping them this time.

“I have many skills.” Cherish grinned as she kissed Haylee again, the small wrinkles in the corners of her eyes expressing true joy.

“Oh, so do I, Ms. Barkley,” Haylee murmured into Cherish’s mouth as she wrapped her legs around Cherish’s hips and pulled her in even closer. The heat of their bodies pressing together sent Haylee’s hips gyrating, her legs moving Cherish’s hips into the same rhythm.

Cherish growled, deep and low and wild.

Their kisses became more fevered, gasps of air grabbed between one kiss and another. Cherish worked her hand to the front of Haylee’s body and slipped her fingers beneath the loose bra cups and palmed Haylee’s breasts. Haylee arched her back, pulling Cherish’s lip with her teeth as she groaned.

“Fuck me.” Haylee slapped her hands on the desk behind her. Her hand landed on Cherish’s keyboard, the edges of keys digging into the softness of her palm. But nothing short of blood and broken bones would disrupt this moment. And she wasn’t even certain that would make her stop.

“I’ll buy you a new one,” Cherish muttered between kisses that ran down Haylee’s neck.

“A new what?” Haylee asked, her head tilted back to grant Cherish more access to her sensitive skin. Blood had rushed through her body and pooled between her legs. Her clit pulsed, begging for Cherish to put her mouth on her just like she’d promised. Yet they were both still decidedly clothed.

Cherish pulled her hands away. Before Haylee could complain, Cherish slid her fingers into the gaps between buttons on Haylee’s shirt and yanked hard. The cotton material pulled against her skin sharply. The small pops sent Haylee into peals of laughter.

“Amused, are we?” Cherish purred, already moving down to Haylee’s newly exposed skin.

“Highly.” Haylee rested her weight on one palm as she threaded her other hand through Cherish’s hair. Her heart raced when they made eye contact. This was really happening. She almost couldn’t believe it. “I love your hair.”

“I’m quite fond of yours as well. Beneath its business professional look is quite the surprise—much like you.” Cherish wrinkled her nose in the cutest way possible.

Haylee just wanted to eat her up—literally and figuratively. “And yet, you haven’t seen all of me.”

“Yet.” Cherish’s cheeks pinked. “But I plan to.”

Smiling, Haylee slid herself out of her now buttonless shirt and bra in one smooth easy action. Cherish stared silently at Haylee’s chest, her eyes wide and glued. Haylee had a sudden desire to cover herself back up until Cherish’s gaze pulled up to hers. “You’re so beautiful.”

Why did she hate hearing that? Immediately, Haylee wanted to reject the compliment. But she held back. Cherish never minced words. She wasn’t just placating Haylee to make her feel good. Haylee knew she wasn’t ugly—a little bigger than some considered beautiful, but she had never hated her body like so many of the women she knew. But that didn’t stop the wash of uncertainty over Cherish’s hungry appreciation.

“Pants,” Cherish ordered, saving Haylee from saying anything in response. Which Haylee was entirely grateful for, but also, the command had her sputtering in a different way.

“Seriously? Right here?”

“I’m not holding back anymore.” Cherish narrowed her eyes, but the shape of her lips filled Haylee with all manner of excitement and anticipation.

“Yes, ma’am.” Haylee slipped out of her work pants and underwear faster than she ever had in her life.

“Mmmmm.” Cherish’s appreciative moan as her eyes roved up and down Haylee’s body sent spikes of heat following the trail of Cherish’s gaze.

“Like what you see?” Haylee murmured the words with a little more boldness than her quivering insides felt. Cherish was completely covered still, and here Haylee stood, bare ass naked, open for Cherish’s roving gaze.

“Very much so.” Cherish moved into Haylee’s space. She squeezed Haylee’s ass and pulled her hips into Cherish’s as she moved Haylee backward to her desk. The edge was cold against the backs of her thighs, adding a little thrill to everything.

Haylee leaned back, hands on a suddenly cleaned space of desk. When had that happened? Had Cherish moved things? Had she blacked out in arousal and anticipation?

“Haylee.” The way Cherish said her name invoked a wild animal in need of sustenance.

“Cherish?” Haylee asked, the name and question catching in her own throat.

“Tell me to stop.”

“No.” Haylee had never been more certain of something in her life. She had waited for this. She wanted this. The word rang between them with a finality neither could deny.

“Tell me to stop anytime you want, anytime you don’t like something.”