Just that warmed Haylee in ways she hadn’t expected. It was the compliment that she’d been looking for, the reassurance that she wasn’t absolutely crazy. Haylee kissed her again. “I accept your apology, Cherry.”
Cherish sucked in a sharp breath, locking her gaze on Haylee’s. “Right. Um…” She pressed her lips together hard, looking around. “I should finish getting dressed. The car should be here soon.”
“For sure.” Haylee trailed her fingers down Cherish’s arm. “Do I get to watch you?”
“Do you have some voyeuristic tendencies that I don’t know about?” Cherish’s tone was all flirt, and Haylee loved it.
Bending in, Haylee pressed a kiss to Cherish’s warm neck. She could live here in Cherish’s arms if Cherish would allow it, but she was pretty sure that Cherish wouldn’t. The woman never was still. Taking the tip of her tongue, Haylee traced a circle and then nipped lightly. “We have so much to learn about each other.”
“I know everything I need to know—at least for now.” Cherish’s voice was husky.
Haylee must be affecting her at least in some way. Especially with that look. Haylee wished they had time to explore a bit more, but even with their conversation and forgiveness, Cherish didn’t seem all that ready to dive into a sexual relationship. Haylee could wait, and like she’d promised Cherish before—she would.
Cherish had been tempted, a little too tempted to let Haylee watch her get dressed. In the end she saved both of them from sexual frustration. As it was, time had slipped away during their make out—or perhaps it was a make up—session.
“You look beautiful.” Haylee breathed out the compliment, and Cherish’s cheeks blazed with the attention. She hoped the reapplied makeup hid at least some of it.
“Thank you.” Stepping purposefully toward the key table beside her front door, she picked up her clutch and snagged her iPad with Febe's speech. “Are you ready to leave?”
Haylee’s chic slacks and matching blazer, simple and flattering, weren’t exactly the gala attire Cherish would normally approve of. But Cherish had noticed Haylee’s odd wording in her response earlier. She wanted to dig deeper, but that could wait for now. Besides, Haylee looked gorgeous, no matter what she wore.
“Would you like to use one of my necklaces? I think I have one that would really complement your neckline.”
Haylee’s downcast face slowly turned back up, and the fire in her eyes almost made Cherish reconsider the importance of the gala. But no—she shook her head and smiled back, hoping her thoughts weren’t etched across her face. The gala was the only thing that mattered—at least for tonight.
“You look beautiful, and you don’t need the necklace. But I thought you might like one.” Cherish stepped close enough to cup Haylee’s cheek in her hand but made sure their bodies didn’t quite connect anywhere else. She may not be ready to sleep with Haylee just yet, but she couldn’t expect either of them to control those urges twice in one night.
“If you don’t mind, a necklace might be nice.” Haylee held onto Cherish’s upper arm, the connection between them so strong in that moment. Cherish didn’t want to walk away, but she knew she had to.
By the time they had the perfect necklace sitting at the V of Haylee’s cleavage, the car was there, and the driver stood against the hood, a cigarette already half-smoked. Cherish didn’t let go of Haylee’s hand as they walked outside toward it, her brow furrowing as she came closer to the driver.
“You’ll finish that right now, and put the divider up before we get in.” Cherish couldn’t believe the audacity of some people. If Febe got a whiff of the smoke, it could be the pressure on tonight’s hair trigger.
Cherish waited a moment before she opened the door for Haylee, not allowing the driver the opportunity to get the smell on either of them.
Haylee didn’t meet her eyes as she slid into the limo.
Cherish had seen this happen so many times. Haylee didn’t feel comfortable with Cherish giving orders, but it had never made her feel hot and tight in the chest before. Haylee did things to her that she couldn’t name, things she had only ever experienced in dreams of what she wanted from Febe. Not that Febe was that person, but how Cherish longed for her to be.
“I’m sorry,” Cherish muttered as she followed Haylee into the backseat, their thighs touching as the door was shut behind her.
“I’m not the one you should apologize to.” Haylee looked up and met Cherish’s eyes. The bolt of electricity that flooded Cherish made her breath hitch.
“You’re right.” Cherish nodded and took a deep breath. As the driver slid into the front seat, she shuffled a little in her seat, so she perched closer to the driver. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped. My boss can’t stand the smell of smoke, and it’s a big night for her.”
“Not a problem, Miss. Would you like the partition raised?”
A yes danced on her tongue, but as she slid a sideways glance to see Haylee smiling at her, she relaxed her shoulders.
“No, it should be fine.” Cherish brushed imaginary lint from the seat of her dress. Pity, because she would love to have some more moments alone with Haylee. Then again, perhaps the potential of someone else seeing them would help keep Cherish’s hands from wandering.
“It’s a start,” Haylee whispered into Cherish’s ear.
“A start?” Cherish turned her head slightly, narrowing her eyes though humor couldn’t keep her lips from curling up slightly. “You wouldn’t be trying to change me now, would you, Ms. Coleman?”