Page 53 of Love and Cherish

“Then we’re not doing anything.” Haylee moved to step back, but Cherish snagged Haylee’s wrist to keep her there. “We’re not doing anything, and quite frankly, I don’t get you.”

“What?” Cherish frowned, a line forming in the center of her forehead.

“You yelled at me. You were done with me this week, and now you want to have sex?” Haylee flung her free hand out next to her, pushing the frustrations that built rapidly in her chest away from her. She didn’t want to force that onto Cherish if she could avoid it.

“I don’t want to have sex.” Cherish squinted, her cheeks pinking with anger. “Why would you think I want that?”

What? Haylee was now more confused than ever. She tried to pull away again, and this time Cherish let her go.

“Look.” Cherish clenched her jaw. “I do want to have sex with you, but not right now.”

Haylee jerked her head up, looking directly back into those blue eyes. Did Cherish really just say that? Her heart raced. Had this whole week been a farce?

“We have to go to the gala. We can’t do that right now.”

“But if we didn’t have the gala?” Haylee didn’t know why she was clinging to every single word Cherish said. She didn’t want to be so hung up on her. She wanted to be independent and free. Nothing ever lasted for long, so why wouldn’t this damn crush go away already?

“I don’t know, Haylee.” Cherish was standing impossibly close again.

Drawing in a deep breath, Haylee held it tightly in her chest before blowing it out slowly. Cherish certainly knew how to frustrate her. Haylee bit her lip and took a chance. She moved in swiftly, pressing her nose against Cherish’s cheek. She held onto Cherish’s arms and allowed her eyes to flutter shut. Cherish turned into her, their cheeks brushing.

“What are we doing, Cherish?” Haylee desperately needed to know.

“I don’t know,” Cherish whispered. She moved, pressing their mouths together gently.

Haylee sucked in a sharp breath, her heart skipping as she stepped forward and pushed Cherish against the wall. When they connected like this, everything else melted away. All the responsibilities and realities vanished. Cherish cupped both sides of Haylee’s face, dragging her in for a deeper embrace.

Stumbling, Haylee tried to keep her wits about her. She hated that she couldn’t ever understand what was happening between them, but she was so enthralled by it. She couldn’t escape Cherish. Cherish’s hands were strong against her, spinning them as she thrust Haylee against the wall. Their bodies pressed together, their mouths still locked as their tongues tangled. Haylee sucked in a sharp breath. She was used to doing the manhandling, not the other way around.

But to have Cherish push her, take control, be the one in charge in this way? It was the sexiest thing Haylee had ever witnessed.

Haylee gripped Cherish’s back, pulling her in closer. She slid her hands down to Cherish’s ass, cupping her butt as Haylee spread her legs to get even closer. This was everything she had wanted, and yet, something still wasn’t quite right between them. Something hadn’t clicked into place yet.

“I’m so sorry about this week,” Cherish breathed, pressing kisses down Haylee’s neck and nipping at the tender flesh.

Haylee’s nipples hardened in response. “You hated me this week.”

“Only some of it.” Cherish chuckled. “But not because of you, only because of me.”

“I don’t understand.”

Cherish sighed and moved back to kissing Haylee’s lips. This time the kisses were slow and drawn out. Eventually she closed her eyes and rested her forehead on Haylee’s shoulder. “I need to apologize for this week, and I really should have done that before all of this.”

Leaning back, Cherish bolstered herself. Haylee could see the walls coming up and then falling down. Perhaps what was most impressive was that Haylee could see just how much effort it took for Cherish to do that.

“I was jealous in some ways. In other ways, I didn’t understand what was happening. Febe needs to be protected, and you threw her to the wolves. At least, that’s what I thought at the time. I didn’t know that she was the one who requested the meeting.” Cherish paled. “I wasn’t ready for her to be ready.”

“Ready for what?” Haylee brushed Cherish’s hair behind her ear, cupping the side of her face. “Because you haven’t told me anything about you two.”

“I know.” Cherish frowned, then wrinkled her nose. “I was being intentionally cruel the other day, which is why she sent me home. I need to apologize for that. I’m so sorry, Haylee. I hurt you. I could see it in your eyes.”

Haylee’s chest constricted before all that tension was released.

“I meant to hurt you that day, and I feel awful for it. Not as awful as you, I’m sure.” Cherish’s lips thinned into a line. “I shouldn’t have done that. I have a complicated relationship with Febe, and well, it’s complicated.”

“I know,” Haylee interrupted. She pulled Cherish in for a quick kiss. “Anyone in that office can see that you and she are complicated.”

Cherish cringed. “That doesn’t excuse my behavior. You’re doing an excellent job at work. I want you to know that. I’m not sure I would have made it through the last few months without you.”