“It’s not a problem. I know you have a lot of work to catch up on, along with all the interviews for my replacement.”
A stone landed heavily into the pit of her stomach. That’s why this wouldn’t work. The reminder took the breath from Cherish as she relinquished the mug to Haylee. Haylee was leaving her, and Cherish would do well not to forget that point.
“Right.” Cherish sat heavily as Haylee rushed away.
Cherish was in love. And she hated this feeling, despised it. She was always in love with the wrong person.
“Oh God.” Groaning, Cherish put her head down on the edge of her desk.
“Should you be here today?” Febe asked from the doorway to her office.
Cherish lifted her head, only to be met by two raised eyebrows.
“Absolutely.” Cherish shuffled back in her seat, shoulders squared and back straightened. “Feeling exactly like I used to, thank you. I’ve got more interviews to schedule.” Cherish tried not to bite out the words, but she failed, miserably. It was a good word to sum up how she felt about her life as a whole.
“I can help with them.” Haylee returned, both cups in her hands. Haylee smiled at Febe before she dropped her eyes and slid Cherish’s now-filled mug toward her. “I’m almost done with rescheduling Jacqueline’s clients.”
“Not quite done with rescheduling. I need you to clear mine for today and tomorrow.”
“What?” Haylee turned her head sharply and so did Cherish.
Febe pursed her lips, her eyes inscrutable. “Clear my schedule.”
“For what?” Cherish asked, letting go of the warm mug her fingers had caressed and stared wide-eyed at her boss. Febe had never asked her to clear the schedule like this before.
“For today and tomorrow,” Febe’s reply was as sharp as cracked ice. “Actually, let’s make it the week, shall we?”
“Is there a problem?” Cherish’s chest tightened uncomfortably as she forced her breath to remain steady. Febe was hiding something, and whatever it was, it was massive. She hated not knowing. She hated feeling like she was purposely being left out and forced not to be the supportive assistant that she was. The tension crawled its way up her neck into her skull. She couldn’t get another migraine after only being back here for a few minutes.
Haylee had been right about the pills, and Cherish felt like a big enough idiot. But without them, she didn’t know how she would get through another headache. She couldn’t rush off for a shot every other day.
“No, there isn’t a problem.” Febe turned, her body shifting toward Haylee, effectively cutting off her conversation with Cherish.
“Let me know if you and Cherish end up needing any help with the rescheduling.”
“Of course.” Haylee flicked a quick glance Cherish’s way, not meeting Cherish’s eyes.
What the hell was going on? What had she missed yesterday?
With a click, Febe’s door was closed once more. A beat of silence filled the space, and then another. Cherish stood, trying her best to get as much control as she could over whatever the hell was going on. She narrowed her eyes at Haylee.
“What rescheduling?”
Haylee’s cheeks pinked, but it colored differently this time. “I really am almost done. I got in early.”
“What rescheduling, Haylee?” Cherish asked again, her words biting.
Her adolescence had been filled with the tension of things she didn’t understand. The way others talked about boys, how they all seemed to understand the currents beneath the words that were actually spoken. She hated not knowing what was going on.
“Jacqueline went into labor. We haven’t heard anything yet, but I’ve been trying to reschedule her clients and find temporary therapists for them.” Haylee crossed her arms defensively.
“She’s early.” Cherish pursed her own lips. Had she really read into something when there’d been nothing? But why the blush, and why wouldn’t she let Cherish help? They had helped each other before.
Like a sledgehammer the truth hit Cherish hard. She sat back in her chair, heavily. Haylee had helped her, but… She couldn’t even formulate the words in her mind as thoughts rushed over each other, blurring with their speed. That was always her problem, thinking herself into inaction. She needed to fix this, and fix it now.
“Cherish? Are you all right?” Haylee’s head appeared over her monitor, fast and filled with concern.
No, she wasn’t fine at all.