Then three.
Then five minutes at a stretch.
But it’s been hours since she should have been out of work. And I told her to come straight here after she got out. She’s blatantly disobeyed me.
I scowl at the TV again and then, finally, I hear something outside.
Is it her? Is she finally here?
Again I glance up at the clock. Three hours.
She should have been out of work at five and it’s now almost eight. But there she is. Walking up the driveway toward the door, though she looks a little hesitant. She’s walking slowly. She doesn’t seem like she really knows what she’s doing.
In fact, at one point she seems like she’s going to turn around and go back to her car. She stops and glances back over her shoulder. But then she squares her shoulders and starts walking again.
When she knocks at the door I make her wait for a moment. Make her sweat it out because I want to give her even a taste of what she put me through. But then I finally open the door, watching her silently and she looks uncomfortable again.
“We’ll need to talk about how well you listen.”
“I just … I needed a minute.”
“A minute?” My eyes flash slightly but I try to rein in my true irritation. Because I want her to come in. I want her for myself.
Chapter Six ~ Emma
When I get out of work the last thing I want to do is go straight over to Chris’s place. Because I’m still feeling torn about what I’ve just agreed to.
Did I really just say that I would have his baby?
I sit in my car for a long time, just holding the wheel and staring off into space. Not knowing where to go.
Finally I head back to my house. Maybe I can get a few things packed up to take over in my car. But when I arrive home I can already tell that something is wrong. Even just sitting outside.
And as soon as I walk in the door my eyes widen in shock.
It’s empty.
Completely empty.
I don’t think it was this empty when I first moved in, and it certainly wasn’t this clean.
The only explanation is Chris.
Either that or some super crazy robber who loves vintage t-shirts and store brand cereal.
A slight smile crosses my face at the thought. And then it widens as I think of Chris setting this up.
Taking control of things in that no-nonsense way that he has.
But I’m still not sure about going to see him just yet. Instead I pick up my phone.
“Becky, I need you.”
“I’m at home,” she replies immediately and in seconds I tell her that I’m on my way. What am I going to tell her? How am I going to explain what’s going on? I really can’t.
How can I tell her about the agreement that I’ve just made? But I need to tell her something because I need to bounce ideas off of someone.
When I get to her house she’s waiting at the door, opening it before I even make it all the way up the sidewalk.