“Of course,” I agree and the two of them bustle in, both leaning over Chloe, murmuring softly and touching her little fingers or toes.

“She’s beautiful,” Leann tells me, which is also what she said when Chloe was first born. But I know that Leann probably really does feel that way, no matter what Chloe looks like. And so do I.

A look over at Chris says he certainly agrees and then there’s a loud squeal that causes me to turn my head sharply.

“Is that a ring? I think that’s a ring! Emma, is that a ring?” She’s ecstatic already. Her voice betrays her right off the bat and I can’t help but laugh.

“Yes, that’s a ring.”

Immediately she grabs my hand, examining it closely with a whole lot more squealing and shrieking, which keeps Mom away for a few minutes. But even she can’t stay away long because I can tell she’s excited, taking a look at the ring on my hand and then smiling at all three of us.

“You have a beautiful baby,” she tells me gently. “And it’s a beautiful ring. You’re going to be a beautiful family.”

She leans in to kiss me on the forehead like she always did when I was little and everything feels … right.

“We’re all a family,” I reply with a smile at her and Leann. “And I cannot wait to get home to enjoy it.”

“That will happen soon enough,” she promises and then gives me and Chris both a hug. “In the meantime, enjoy being here, with your baby, and your fiancé.”

Fiancé. It’s strange to think of him as that. But at the same time, the thought of it makes me smile.

Everything is turning out so well … and I can’t imagine anything better.

3 Months Later

It’s strange leaving Chloe somewhere without me. Even though I’m only going to dinner and then in the house right across the yard. And I’m leaving her with Mom and Leann.

“She’s going to be just fine,” Mom says, seeming to sense my concern. She gives me an indulgent smile and a hug, but makes no move to take Chloe until I finally hand her over. And even then I have to give her another hug and a kiss before I can make myself leave.

When I arrive back in the house, Chris is waiting, swooping me into his arms and kissing me sweetly, though there’s still plenty of power and passion in that kiss.

“She’s going to be just fine,” he tells me, somehow knowing exactly what I was thinking. But then, he always seems to.

“I know. I know Mom and Leann will take great care of her. I just … it’s strange to leave her. To be anywhere without her.”

“I know what you mean,” he agrees. “The first day I went back to the club and I wasn’t around her all the time … it was hard.”

It took him a few weeks to even do that. And as soon as I brought Chloe home it became extremely clear to me that I didn’t want to go back to work. Because I didn’t want to leave her, a fact that my boss seemed thrilled enough with.

I glance over at Chris remembering the way he tried to hide a grin when I told him I wouldn’t be coming back to work. And the way he managed to refrain from saying ‘I told you so’ or anything similar.

“Are you ready to go?” he asks and I take a deep breath then nod.

It’s just dinner. And then we’ll be right back here. Not that far away from her. It’s going to be just fine.

And even though we’re both constantly thinking about Chloe,and talking about Chloe, we manage to have a good dinner.

“Can you believe it’s been one year since you came up to my office for that first meeting?”

“You mean one year since you called me away from work for a booty call?” I retort, raising an eyebrow at him.

The grin on his face is wide and entirely unapologetic. Not that I really expected anything else. Of course he wouldn’t be ashamed of it.

“You were quite a sight, Sweetheart, and that sight has only gotten better.”

“Good answer for the woman who just gave birth to your child three months ago,” I tease and he grabs my hand from the table, kissing the back of it.

“And that is another thing that I can never thank you enough for. For being the mother of my child. For giving me such an amazing, beautiful little girl.”