I must have heard him wrong.

A lot of things sound like ‘I want you to have my baby.’ Right?

My mouth drops open in shock as I gape at him but he’s just standing there, staring back at me. As if he’s waiting for me to just say yes and accept his offer.

“You want … what?”

“I want you to have my baby.”

When he repeats it there’s no mistaking the words. But he’s got to be joking, right?

My thoughts immediately drift to just what it would take to have a baby with this man … bodies entwined together in bed. His arms wrapped around me. That mouth on my breasts … or lower …

Quickly I shake my head and try to focus on what’s going on in front of me.

I seriously misjudged him if this is the kind of thing that he finds enticing. I thought he was a playboy. A flirt. The kind who wanted to just have fun and live life. But, he wants kids? Does he have other kids?

And why me? When he can have any chick he wants, why does he want me up here with him every day? Why does he want me to be the one to have his baby?

But as my mind is whirling, trying to make sense of it I realize he’s still talking and I try to tune back in.

“I need a baby to carry on my family legacy.” So that’s a ‘no’ on ‘does he have other kids.’ “And I think that you would be a good one to have that baby. In exchange, I’ll take care of you. And the baby, of course.”

‘Take care of.’ What does that mean exactly? I can only stare at him, though questions are flashing through my head at warp speed. I’m not able to voice any of them. My mouth simply won’t comply with what my brain wants. Though, to be honest, my brain isn’t quite sure what it wants either.

“We’ll have a contract in place. You will carry my baby. And I will give you a place to stay from the time the contract is signed until … well, until whenever you may choose to leave. But if you choose to leave, the baby remains with me.”

A place to stay. That would help my financial situation already. I’d be able to give Mom and Leann the money I’m currently paying for rent. But it’s not as much as I would have hoped. And if I’m going to be taking care of a baby …

“And of course there will be an allowance involved. A generous one that will take care of your family and you. And the baby will receive everything that it needs as well.”

An allowance. A place to stay. All of this is sounding better and better. More and more like something that could make a huge difference for my family. For Leann. We could pay for the medical appointments. Get her the dialysis if she needs it. But having a baby … is that really something that I’m prepared to do?

“I … it’s … it’s a lot to think about,” I say finally. And he inclines his head slightly, appraising me.

Is this really happening?

Of course every girl dreams of a proposal and being treated like a princess but that’s not really what this is.

A contract?

A baby for the sole purpose of carrying on his legacy and his name?

It’s all crazy.

And I’m crazy for even considering it.

But then again … there is the money.

My gaze runs over his body and I feel my own heat in response.

And the sex.

“The choice is yours, Emma, whether you wish to accept.”

“My job-“

“Your job will be here no matter what.” His tone is flippant, like that doesn’t even matter to him. “Should you choose to refuse my offer, you can remain a cocktail waitress as long as you like. But I will not allow you to be a dancer in my club.”