“You guys seem close.”

“Relatively close, yeah,” he agrees with a shrug. I know the whole crew is close. But it’s Ethan that he’s closest with and now that makes sense. They started this thing together.

Chapter Nineteen ~ Chris

Sitting here with her, in the low light, it’s hard to keep my mind on the important things. Or rather, my mind is only on the important things.


The baby.

They’re all I can think about.

Staring at her, remembering the way she looked just last night and this morning, the way she felt in my arms. Her stomach is just barely starting to show. Enough that if you were looking you’d know. But to an outsider, they’d have no idea.

Yet I’m proud of the way she looks. So unbelievably proud of the fact that she’s carrying my baby and that I can tell, even just a little.

As I look at her sitting across the room from me I’m struck by just how amazing she is. Everything about her that’s been driving me crazy for so long seems to converge on me all at once and I sit up straighter.

“Go out with me.”

“What?” She looks startled and I can’t really blame her. After all, it wasn’t really a question. And it was quite abrupt at that.

“Would you go on a date with me?” I try again and she stares for a very long time. In fact, she stares at me for so long and with such an unreadable expression on her face that I’m sure she’s going to say no. But then she gives me a hesitant smile and it’s like the sun bursting through the clouds.

My heart skips a beat and I have to take a deep breath to get control of myself. Because that smile … I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about anyone before.

“I think the weather is a little inclement,” she replies with a teasing lilt to her voice and once again I’m smiling despite myself.

“We’ll go when it breaks. You’ll get dressed up. Wear your best clothes. I’ll take you somewhere you deserve,” I promise and she looks startled yet again, though she’s still smiling.

In fact, it takes another couple days before the storm clears up entirely and everything is back to normal. And then it’s another couple days before she has one off. Because no matter what I say or how hard I try, I can’t get her to call in just for me. She insists on going to work.

But finally, finally, it’s the day of our date and I am fully prepared to spoil her. Which starts with a new dress.

I have the staff put it on her bed during the day while she’s out, so she can’t miss it when she gets home. And as soon as I see her in it, it’s worth every penny that I spent and then some.

“You look gorgeous,” I tell her, pulling her into my arms so I can give her a quick kiss. But the feel of her body under the silky material of the short dress, and the taste of her lips under mine are too much for me. I find myself immediately swept under her spell, wanting more, needing more.

“I thought we were going out?” she says finally, breaking away from me to take a deep breath.

I reluctantly step back, though my body is practically throbbing with wanting her.

“You’re right. Of course.” So I take her hand and lead her out of the house and to the car, opening the door for her and taking another moment to myself to catch my breath before I climb in the driver’s side and head into the city.

“Where are we going?” she asks, looking excited and anxious all at once.

“Townsend’s,” I reply and her eyes widen in shock. “Have you been?”

“Absolutely not!” she retorts. “It costs more than my life is worth just to get in the door.”

It is a rather exclusive place. But I don’t think for a moment that anyone in there can hold a candle to her.

“Well, you’re getting in now,” I reply and before long we’re pulling up to the door.

The valet opens the door for Emma, who looks startled beyond belief at the young man who is openly gaping at her in the figure-hugging black dress.

A stern look from me and he quickly straightens up, however, taking my keys and offering a stiff nod of the head before he drives off with the car.